Some time ago, someone mentioned they had LS. I thought maybe there might be more people with it and could help. Is there a lotion or ointment that has probiotics in it that helps with inflammation? Can't seem to find any. Would appreciate your help. Clobetasol doesn't help with inflammation. Thanks
Thanks, bludaze. I have done this until my tush hurts. All drs. say use Clobetasol. That does nothing for the inflammation. Used greek yogurt last night and ice during the day. I was also looking for a cream or ointment that contains probiotics. Contacted Culturelle and they don't have any.
brindle clobetasol usually will work as its the prefered med out there for this ailment. you should call your prescribing dr again and ask exactly how to use this med. you may need to use it continuous for a longer period at first and then taper off the doseages. your dr can help on how to use it for best results. if its not working after that maybe he can give you something else. i do know clobetasol is a fairly potent type steriod creme so it should help with inflammation once you get continued use going. i have used it on DH many times. divvi
divvi. I have been using clobetasol for years myself. It is great for itching & discharge but does not help with inflammation or swelling. I have spoken to 3 drs. already one a specialist. Have had other prescriptions that do not work. The specialist said the next thing would be injections (ouch!). Not ready to try that if every!