Poor George had a carbuncle (boil) on his back...for a long time I was taking care of it and it didn't get well so I had to take him into CENTRA-CARE) there open on Sunday..took all Insurance..so he had to get it lanced..it was very red and so sore..My son in law took us..what a guy..I don't know what I would ever do without him..he is always there for me...
We did have home health care but it is over and also the therapist and she said to keep making him walk or he will get back to where he was and sure enough he did..only because of this boil..he was in so much pain and was not able to walk..or even sit..well now he has medication that will help him and get better..once he is feeling better he will go to Physical Therapy here in the park...he is now walking with his walker again...
Once he starts feeling better maybe he will shave...lol...he looks like Santa Clause... Have a good day all..keep me posted....JOY