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    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2010 edited
    • CommentAuthorrachelle
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2010
    Interesting. My husband hasn't a diagnosis yet and I think it is more likely ftd than alzheimer's. But I'd say "yes" to 5 out of 8 categories so that says something. Might be a good questionnaire for me to print off and take to the family doctor. He has done the basic AZ mini test and hubby did okay. Dr told me privately that isn't very accurate at early stages but he couldn't refer hubby on because hubby declined the offer of further testing. Hubby has another medical problem going on and I'm going with him to next appointment as he likely will need a referral to another specialist. And if I'm not there, he would most likely decline that referral too. (I have a follow up appt coming up when I can talk again with dr privately about my concerns re DH).