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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    Hello Everyone,

    I invite you to log onto the home page - - and read the weekend blog. Does this work to relieve stress for anyone else? Anyone have other crafty ideas for stress relief? I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked for me.

    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    Good idea, methinks. I got out my knitting needles, bought some yarn, went on-line for a refersher re casting on about 3 months ago. Gung-ho to make scarves for a VA facility near here that expressed a desire for such....unfortunately, I bought some fancy "multi-thread" yarn not suitable to a new beginner. So, I gave the yarn to a granddaughter. Since you've brought it up, maybe I'll buy some basic yarn this week and try again. BTW, your scarf looks lovely.
    I understand.

    I have often had a knitting project underway, but the problem is usually that I pick something too complicated that requires careful counting, and don't get too far. At present, there's a scarf I've had going for some time (years,) that only requires 5 knits/5 purls...on and on...but even then I don't always seem interested.

    Rather, when my mind is in need of pacification, I might do crosswords or other word type things. I don't believe for a minute I'm staving off any organic changes ; ) but to be able to burrow one's focus into something of little import can be just the thing for an agitated brain that has no one to talk to.

    Maybe I should start a different, less boring knitting project. As long as it doesn't take too much counting...
    Good blog, Joan. I don't have that problem, however. DH goes to bed around 6-or 6:30 - and so I can do all sorts of things after that until I go to bed! He changes into his pj's and hits the sack, once up to the bathroom and that's usually it until 6 a.m. or so. I get an awful lot done after 7 p.m.! LOL
    • CommentAuthorSusanB
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    Ahhhh, the peace of working with yarn. I knit and I needle felt which I usually find relaxing and enjoyable.
    If complicated projects seem undo able, I knit a prayer shawl which is easy and takes very little time. (I just finished one for a friend who is battling lung cancer).
    This is always a nice thing to do for someone you know or for someone you may not know. (Churches, hospitals, synagogues,etc can often find homes for prayer shawls
    or scarfs or mittens...) I haven't ever done needle point or crewel but its certainly sounds like a good idea. Thanks Joan, knit on!
    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    I have done crochet and cross stitch for years. I suffered severe panic attacks after my first husband died and soon found that when I could feel one coming on, if I could find something to distract my mind and keep my hands busy, I could get through it easier. I found both very relaxing. I was never a big tv person but Charlie was. We spent many evenings with him watching tv and me crocheting just enjoying being together. I still enjoy it but can't do it as much. The arthritis in my hands doesn't allow for too much crocheting and my eyes don't like the cross stitch, but I still work at it some especially if I feel too stressed out.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    Vickie, I wish my hb changed into pj's & went to bed at 6 or 6:30 and stayed there. He NEVER changes into pj's; just goes to bed with whatever he's worn for the past day or two at about 6:30 and is up and down for the rest of the night. Wants no slippers; puts his shoes on each time. Guess he's ready for an emergency evacuation. But I can do whatever I want during his ups & downs.
    I really enjoyed this blog, Joan, because I too have begun knitting again...and cannot is so relaxing for me. I am not real advanced either, but maybe someday...I have made several scarves, shawls, etc. I actually look forward to just sitting and knitting while my DH and I watch TV and chat.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2010
    For me, being a couch potato in front of the TV each evening works perfectly!
    Ok, I'm inspired. I have now started a hat. We'll see.
    That's great! Maybe all of us creative people can do a craft show and sell our wares (wears)?