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    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2010
    My dh is totally incontenent and can't really tell me if he is in pain or uncomfortable. He had prostate issues and was urinating every 2-3 hrs and then heavily at night. Now he goes for about 4-5 hrs without urinating. Anyone else? Is this another stage?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2010
    Is he running a fever? Is the amount he urinates light or does he go quite a bit? I would think as long as he is still urinating a reasonable amount and is not running a fever, there is no emergency. But I would definitely call the doctor, at least let him know, note if the diaper is heavy or light when you change it and try to ready any sign of pain. the doctor may say monitor him or want you to bring him in.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2010
    Thanks, Charlotte. The doctor said he would put in a request at the lab. I had to shake my head at that. Did he forget my DH is incontenent and has AD? Is he supposed to pee in the bottle? Can't believe he did that. My dh is not running a fever and when he does urinate, it appears to be a good amt. He never complains which also makes it difficult to know what is going on.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010 edited
    brindle prostate issues can lead to another miriad of issues along with AD. not going may be a sign of bladder retention due to prostate inflammation- my DH suffers enlarged prostate from years back was on numerous meds as well for it. he also has ongoing UTI from the issues too. if your DH is incontinent and you arent able to collect a CLEAN sample of urine in a sterile container then call the dr back and let them know you will bring him in and they will need to catheter him for a urine sample. sometimes they have inhome mobile labs that can do this too if you are in a bigger city you may can ask if you cant get your DH to the dr. just because there is no fever doesnt mean he doesnt have a UTI. uti usually doesnt have fever involved but if there is fever, its imperative you get him to see a dr as it means kidneys are probably involved and its much more serious. if hes got a uti i always ask to start a broadspectrum antibiotic asap and while a culture is being done to see which bacteria he has. my DH can go down very very quickly once infection sets in and i have had to run him to ER so manytimes due to waiting too long for meds. maybe its not uti but its worth making sure.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2010
    Thanks, divvi.