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    • CommentAuthoringe
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2010 edited
    Joan, that sounds like an ideal situation for you to have a break and at the same time not to have to worry about Sid.
    How fortunate that he can still enjoy conversation with a friend and will not be overwhelmed by all the hustle and bustle you will encounter at Disney World.
    I went on a mini vacation by myself recently while my husband was in respite for the first time. His disease is far too advanced for me to contemplate another trip with him but I can look back at the one in 2009 with joy and thanks for the last one together.
    It will be wonderful for you to have that trip to look forward to. Have fun!
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2010

    Good to hear from you. I remember your 09 trip - how wonderful that you were able to have the memories of one last trip together.

    We will not be doing the other Disney parks or the movie parks, just the Animal Kingdom. He cannot go on any rides, and the hustle and bustle, as you say, would be way too much for him. We have been to them many times, so I do not feel as if we would be missing anything. He can, however, enjoy a few hours at the restaurants that have entertainment, and some of the other attractions in Orlando. And of course, he loves the pool.

    Sid doesn't talk much, but our friend knows this, so he does all of the talking. He also asks the right questions to get Sid to talk.

    Yup, the more I think about it, the more I think this is the best option for us.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2010
    What a blessing to have friends to hang out with and that are willing to do what it takes to be together. So many people are not willing to compromise their ways to allow the ill to be part of things.
    • CommentAuthoringe
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2010
    I totally agree, Charlotte. You certainly learn quickly who your true friends are and we are fortunate to have 2 couples who accept my husband. Family is another story but I won't get started on that.
    Be careful about the hustle and bustle, even at the Animal Kingdom. I think that if he has a cart to ride in, and you're willing to wait patiently, maybe watching an animal exhibit, for crowds to disperse, it might be workable. There are a couple of different walk (or cart) through trails to watch critters, and that might be the best avenue. There is also a nice bird behavior show, called "Flights of Wonder," and that would probably be enjoyable for all provided you got in early enough to quietly get a good seat, then exited calmly, after everyone else. Otherwise, I think you should skip about every ride...even the safari one. A little too much bouncing and jolting at certain junctures. Check for family bathroom locations right away.
    Joan, Disney properties are always more than wonderful when it comes to dealing with any kind of disability. You can go to the "wheelchair" line and get into attractions before the other people and that would give you more time to get Sid settled.

    Have a wonderful time......
    Bathrooms were our nightmare. We never knew which exit he might come out. I recommend a bright colored hat and shirt. Transport chair worked well.
    Joan, it's wonderful you have friends who are so understanding and helpful. We have one couple like that, but now they live 600 miles away. They do come a couple of times a year though, and he is so good with DH, so patient and kind with him. DH just loves him and so I do get some respite when they come. Don't have to entertain them - they do for themselves. These people are few and far between and I treasure them.

    Hope you have a great time!
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2010
    Go and enjoy!