a picture of this listing is on the wall outside of the door that leads into Carol's Spc Alz Unit. I think it is very descriptive of our Loved Ones. Fits me pretty well also. bill
BLESSED are they who understand my faltering step and shaking hand, BLESSED, who know my ears today who strain to catch the things they say. BLESSED are they who seem to know my eyes are dim and my mind is slow. BLESSED are they who look away. I spilled my tea on the cloth that day! BLESSED are they who, with cheery smile, stopped to chat for a little while. BLESSED are they who know the way to bring back memories of yesterday. BLESSED are they who never say, “You’ve told me that story twice today!” BLESSED are they who make it known that I’m loved, respected and not alone. And BLESSED are they who will ease the days of my journey home, in loving ways.
billeld, That is so beautiful it made my eyes tear up (my DH is in the same room so I can't out & out cry)> I'm going to copy it & keep where I can read it every so often.
carosi, I have to ditto that, it was such a wonderful poem and I (from the caregivers end of it) think that we are all blessed for dealing with our LO's. I told some friends of mine who asked me how I was doing that "I am learning how to be a full time caregiver" I didn't think about it when I said it but I have since, I believe that I have grown as an understanding person and a patient person since I had this task put on me. In a weird way I feel like I have benefited from all these experiences. Does that sound weird to you? I think that is what is happening though.
IMHO we certainly don't seek such a challenge as a way to self improvement but the demands of caregiving certainly exercise our abilities to communicate, decision make, and advocate. Somewhere along the line we eventually learn to be the CEO--and then learn how to delegate and hand off control. I know I've always hated confrontation and would work hard to circumvent it, only standing up to it if there was no other way. Now I'm more likely to face it much faster and get it over with. Less stress in the long run that way.