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    Someone called me and told me to turn on GMA today, that Maria Shriver was featured speaking about AD. I viewed it on their website--nothing really new, but it's always good to get publicity out there. She is working on an effort with the Alzheimer's Association and the need for passing legislation for funding for AD research and support for families was mentioned. I'm not sure if this was her only appearance, the person who called me said they may be doing features on AD all week.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2010
    Agreed, nothing new but always good to get in a plug for the need to spend more money on AD research, as she did on 'This Week' on Sunday morning. With National Alzheimer's Month coming in November and a major AD telethon scheduled on NBC for early December, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more about AD in the media over the enxt 6 weeks. The Oct. 25 issue of TIME Magazine also has little that is new, but again makes the good and valid point of how underfunded the research into AD is when compared to money spent on cancer and heart disease research.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2010
    I did like when you pointed out the millions more caregivers have to spend beyond what insurance will pay for in caring for the AD patient.
    I agree about the publicity. I copied and pasted the statistics Marsh quoted about Alz., and pasted it on my Facebook page. I recommend the rest of you who are on Facebook do the same. Your Facebook Page info gets a lot of readers. I did have to shorten it to make it small enough to take. However, if you paste it on your "Note" page, all of it will copy and there will be part of it show up on your News Feed. You can copy mine also and paste it to your Facebook Page. My site is Lois Mohr.