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    • CommentAuthorDickS
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    My thirteen year old grand daughter Paige wrote this for an American Legion essay. If this does not soften your heart, nothing will. Who said kids don't understand whats going on around them. She is a bright shining light in an incredibly dark period of my life. I love her with all my heart!

    My Michigan Hero

    My grandpa is my Michigan hero. His name is Richard Shaw but to me, he is Papa. My Papa is not considered a hero by usual standards. He did not go to war and he is not a doctor. He is my personal hero for different reasons that are as equally important as fighting for our country or saving lives. My Papa has shown me what it means to respect marriage, take care of family and he supports me.

    The first reason my grandpa is my Michigan hero is because he respects marriage. He has been married to my grandma for forty-eight years. He respects the vows he said in front of God and he takes them seriously. When he said, “For better or for worse” he meant it.

    The second reason my grandpa is a hero is because he takes care of his family. My grandma has Alzheimer’s Disease and he is her only caregiver. Here is the perfect example of for better or for worse. He loves my grandma and takes care of her even when times get tough. Her disease has left her unable to care for herself and my Papa is the person who makes sure that she is cared for and safe in a world that no longer makes sense to her. He has said that he wants to be the first face that she sees in the morning and the last face she sees at night. Even though his face is probably not one that she recognizes anymore. She is and always will be his true love.

    The third and final reason why my grandpa is my Michigan hero is because he supports me. He always tries to come to my sporting events with my grandma even though it can be hard to get out of the house with her. I can always hear him in a crowd because he cheers for me the loudest. He is very involved in my life and always wants to know how my day went. I enjoy seeing him and my grandma and even though his heart may be breaking from losing his wife to a horrible disease, he will always try to put a big smile on my face. He is a great role model and a perfect grandpa.

    My Papa is an amazing man and my Michigan hero. He is a hero because he has stayed true to the marriage vows he took so long ago and has shown me and everyone around him the true meaning of love, marriage and family
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    I am crying real tears. She really gets it and that is more than some adults can do. I know that you appreciate having such a loving grandchild and tell her that a lot of people she doesn't know think she is special.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    You can be very proud of such a warm, loving, insightful young lady. I agree with Bama - she "gets it" more than most adults.

    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    Dick, what a wonderful granddaughter and what a great tribute to you and your love for your wife!
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010

    How lucky you are to have such a wonderful granddaughter! I have tears in my eyes while typing this...
  1. wonderful.....
    How proud you must be of her! She 'gets it' more than most. She is very special - make sure you tell her that - often!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    I never had a grandfather - all died before I was born. When my dil started calling my hb Papa I was surprised. But from this list I am seeing how common it is for kids to call their grandfather 'Papa'.

    It was an excellent essay.
    Dick you deserve to be proud of this very special young lady.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    Thank you for sharing this essay; I'm so glad you did. I'm proud of her, too. She's been taught and mentored well. If all, if not just more, 13-yr olds had her insight and values what a wonderful world this would be and become. In another life, I was a teacher; aside from content, construction is excellent, too. Hope she received an award.
    You must be paradinging around like a pouter pigeon--well deserved, well deserved. You can tell her we are all proud of her, too, because she is helping society understand what AD does--and we all support that. She better be getting an 'A.'
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    What a wonderful tribute to her Papa. Bless you Dick for being such a positive example in this young ladys life.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    You are so lucky to have such a wonderful young lady as your grandchild. As others here have said, she "gets it." Sometimes kids are embarrassed by their AD grandfather or grandmother, especially when around their friends, but this young lady doesn't care about that at all, she's just real proud of her Papa. How wonderful for you!
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2010
    Dick, as the others have said, you have a special granddaughter. Apparently she also has a special Papa. Thanks for sharing.
    Dick. thank you for sharing your granddaughter's special words of tribute to you. She is a very beautiful and caring young lady! Yes i agree too--she does "get it" --she truly understands what is important in this life and she has such a wonderful example in you.
    Count me in on crying while reading this. There are many adult children who cannot comprehend nor express what she has so eloquently said!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2010
    Dick, What a wonderful essay! Hope she wins 1st place, but if she doesn't tell her to keep writing every year because one year she WILL win & that could mean scholarship money for college. She has a gift & you have a wonderful granddaughter.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2010 edited
    Thank you so much for sharing that! Give your granddaughter a great big ((HUG)) from me!

    My favorite part, "even though his heart may be breaking from losing his wife to a horrible disease, he will always try to put a big smile on my face."

    That is inspirational! I will try to keep it in the forefront of my mind. It is very easy to let this condition beat us down but when, in spite of it all, we can focus on other's happiness, we can triumph over the disease!
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2010
    Well said, Mary!
    she sounds like a beautiful young lady that really loves you. Thank God she will be in the next generation. With people like her there will be hope for them afterall.