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    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Anyone experiencing bowel incontinence? First we had the urine and I was just getting used to dealing with the fact that I could not always get my dh to the bathroom before he peed in the disposables. Now it seems that my dh has a bm several times a day (and here I was worried about constipation). It is not the runs (thank goodness). I used to be able to sit dh on the commode for about 10 minutes and he would have a good bm. I could generally tell when he need to go because he would get aggitated. Then he would have a good bm. But for the last couple of weeks, it seems he has a bowel movement when he wakes up and then again after lunch and after dinner. Is this normal?
    Oh, the aroma!!!!
    • CommentAuthorAudrey
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2010
    I almost said "I wish I could help you!" Actually, I'm glad I can't give you any information and hopefully will not for a while. This will be a thread I'll watch because I'll probably face this at some point. Sorry you're having to deal with this!
    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2010
    I always knew when my husband needed to have a bm because he became agitated too. But very early on in his disease he became "afraid" of the toilet. Simply refused to go near it (he had fallen off of it a couple of times). If by some miracle I got him on it, he would not stay. To this day he becomes agitated when he needs to have a bm. I think that somewhere deep down he knows he isn't supposed to go in his pants, but he does not know where so he becomes agitated and holds it until nature takes its course.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2010
    Thanks for the input. I found out that this can happen at any stage in AD. I was just surprised that it happened at all as I was having to give Miralax every now and again to help dh have the bm. I think this is why my dh is moaning at night. He is having a bm. Sounds like not too many spouses have this issue.
    • CommentAuthorPatL
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2010
    This is a problem I really fear. So far, DH is not bowel incontinent ... and I hope it never comes to that. However, from going every day, he now has a bm every two or three days, no longer flushes, and I have seen that the diameter of the stool is truly unbelievable. That probably explains why he would try to hold off have a bm. So I think I'll begin giving him some Dulcolax. I was going to say I don't think I could change a bowel diaper, but that's ridiculous because I'm now doing things I never thought I would be able to do. I only hope I can handle the future.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2010

    For a long while I could not believe the size and amount of stool. I had to sometimes cut it up or scoop it out for fear of the toilet overflowing. Then the dr. said to give him Miralax if he does not have a bm within 3 days. That helped but still took time to take affect. I guess we learn as we go or at least that's what I had been doing. Then about two weeks ago, I noticed that my dh was having bm's 3 times a day. Not the runs. Maybe that is why he is also sleeping more.
    We end up doing lots that we never thought we could or would do. I finally had to break down and get plastic gloves.
    Thanks for the comments.
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010
    I'm dealing with bowel incontinence occasionally. Once in the car when we were on the way to a support group. I was unprepared and had to return home. A couple times he has been very aromatic when he got off the day care van. If I ask him if he's done something in his pants he will usually admit it and consent to getting changed/showered. It's a mess. This issue is making me more leary of going places. I'm wondering about usuing Immodium in such a case to postpone it. I think divvi has written about this on the incontinence thread. I've been planning to reread, but so far have managed to procrastinate.
    Usually he has his BMs on the toilet but is not very good at wiping. Fortunately it only soils the disposable. Today I saw baby wipes on sale and bought a supply. If I catch him on time he will usually lean over to let me wipe (which amazes me).

    Wow, what stories we tell!
    • CommentAuthorPatL
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010
    Brindle and JeanetteB - thanks for the tips. I think I should also buy wipes and gloves. Maybe Miralax is a good alternative to Dulcolax or are they the same? I'm planning to retire in February (I now work full time - and have been at the same job for 21 years) so my life will change drastically. I'll be a real 24/7 caregiver. Hope I can stand up to the test. I'm just so grateful for everyone on this website. The caring and sharing that goes on here is so loving and truly makes this situation bearable. I'll probably be able to become more active with all of you beautiful people when I'm at home more.

    Yes, what stories we tell!
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010
    I now carry in the car an emergency kit. Gloves, wipes, toweletes, trash bag, depends, fresh pair of pants.
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2010
    Miralax reduces constipation and promotes regularity and is safe to take long-term. With the chronic constipation that comes with Lewy Body Dementia, a half dose of Miralax every day can be helpful. A stool softener every day might reduce them trying to hold it because it is painful to go. My husband takes both. Eating does stimulate the bowels--one method of toilet training is to have the child sit on the potty after each meal.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2010
    I found a soapless cleanser that someone else mentioned and find it takes away the odor on the buttox skin area. Made by Medline. Then the only thing that really takes away the smell on the plastic commode is Clorax (not the wipes). Now I just put a little on some toilet paper and wipe it off. I have a very sensitive sense of smell so was not appreciating the aue de cologne of a bm. Gloves are a must as it is awful trying to get it off of your hands. I use a helping of Aquaphor on some toilet paper to make sure he is not sore on his bottom after all of the wiping and cleaning. Lots of toilet paper and lots of flushing! I also use the non allergy wipes to clean as much as I can. I use vanilla bags for the bathroom trash can and put lots of kitty litter in the large trash can outside to help absorb any odors. Like all of the other changes, we get used to it once we figure out the best way to handle it for our loved one and ourselves. We are always learning - our very own journey!
    • CommentAuthorThunder*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2010
    My wife has been plagued by constipation for as long as I have known her. It has continued right into AD . She is reasonably continent when she is awake as far as urination goes but her bowel movements are not regular and she cannot communicate that she needs to go. Last week I left her in the house for 15 minutes while I fed the critters in the yard and when I came back inside she had urinated and defecated.... on one of the kitchen chairs. A few days later, while my daughter was watching her during the day, my daughter smelled poop and walked all over the house trying to find it. She finally gave up and returned to the kitchen to continue making breakfast and there it was... on top of the stove. My wife had dug it out of her depends and just laid it there and went about her business.

    Is there a point where this doesn't keep getting worse?
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2010
    OMGoodness, Thunder, LOL --- not funny, but omgoodness!!! Wow!! I am dealing with bowel incontinence now as well ~ Try to "plan" it like watching for aggitation, etc., but sometimes it just "happens" ~ Most recently @ 3am...It is "breath-taking"...ummm 'takes my break away'...ummm, well, you know what I any event, like all steps in the "disease walk", I am taking it a poop at a time & trying to get used to this lastest declining issue...Not sure I'll ever get used to this, but I bet if I look back a few years, I'd have said that about ALOT of stuff I now just deal with & don't think twice about ~ God help us all!!
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2010
    Give immodium a try. Not for diarrhea but for regulating things. One every morning, not lots after every bm the way you do with diarrhea. It may work, it may not, but the object is to get them into a routine and get them sitting down at a particular time of day. If your spouse is old, that's what they were probably taught as children, so it may work. It did for mine for quite some time. Now, not so much, but fortunately it's just in his Depends, or sometimes in the shower or the floor near the toilet.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2011
    Oh yes, the aroma - yechhhhhh! I had to drive with the windows down today. I am surprised that dh doesn't get upset about blowing out his pants, shirts, shorts, socks, etc. everything and doesn't seem to smell himself, either. I never thought I'd be helping a grown man clean up after pooping all over the place, it really is disgusting. I took him off Aricept and that helped immensely for a while. Since that was helping so much I also cut his Immodium down to one cap/day but now I'm going back to 2/day + additional fibre. He always has these incidents after eating a meal, particularly any fresh fruit. Today I told him that his eating fresh fruit days are over. I'm going to have to research what foods are more problematic with this conditon and make sure they never pass his lips again.

    So, I still don't know how to leave the house without this worry -l he simply cannot be trusted. He always has the option to tell me that he needs the bathroom; but, no, he waits until he's made an unholy mess and I smell him or see what he's done to his pants - I just don't get that at all. Just like a toddler. And, adult Depends just do not do the job - it's like he's just taken a shower in runny feces. Poor man, poor me.

    Twice in the last week, DH has not quite made it to the bathroom in time - fecal. He called me and said he had messed up his underwear a little bit. And it was just a little stain. However, I think I need to hone in on the right brief or whatever, to contain this when/if it happens. I have looked at websites until I'm blue in the face and still don't know what to get. I have the depends pull-ups, which he is using today - but they don't go far enough to the rear. He has no problem with the pee. Anyone have any suggestions? He is a large man, 204#, 6'3".
    Flushable wipes, kids! They are worth every penny. I use those every time Lloyd has a BM in the toilet. The rest of the time I use Walmart baby wipes. I have given up on worrying about anything! I will just deal with it as it comes.
    Tena brand mens disposable underwear. They hold a lot and the rear is like a catcher's mitt if it's a solid bowel movement and absorbs a great deal if not. Also they don't smell bad at the first drop of pee like depends do.
    Thanks, Jules, that was the info I was looking for.
    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeNov 5th 2012
    I have had this problem with my DH. For him it happens in the daytime. He tries to clean up without letting me know, but it is all over the bathroom. He is very confused these days and may be surprised when he goes in his pants. He is wearing depends at night, but are usually clean and dry. Sometimes has urine accidents in the day. Luckily not any when out.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    I give my dh a 1/2 tsp of liquid stool softener the night before I plan on his bm (every other day). Then in the morning during his bath, I give him a suppository. In a couple of hours, dh has a soft bm and later in the day, another soft bm. To get to this point, I was giving 1 tsp in the morning and evening until his stool stopped being so hard (like clay). You have to test what works. The bottles say 1 - 6 Tbl but that is just too much for my dh. Be sure to increase the liquids as the stool softener needs it. I have the pharmacist order this for me. It is over the counter but I don't think it is a big seller as most people use the tablets. My dh has a problem swallowing so we have the liquid. Now and again I still have to give a Fleets when it smells really bad because there is some stool that is sitting in the bowel and not moving. Paper lining the trash keeps the smell from going from the plastic bag to the plastic trash. I also use a large paper bag for the garage to put these into until trash day so the large trash can doesn't smell so bad. So when the bag person at the markets asks, I say paper now and again instead of plastic or my own bags.
    We are there now. And it used to be you could tell because of the agitation. I feel fortunate that there were other strong factors leading me to move him into an ALF last Spring, and bowel incontinence did not come until very recently, so I'm not the one to clean him up usually. Today I was there at the time, and did. It is really tricky to clean up full grown men.
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    " It is really tricky to clean up full grown men." Agree.
    Hope I never have to, but probably inevitable.
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2012
    DH had his first full blown (probably bad choice of words) bowel incontinence issue today. Couldn't figure out why he was in the bathroom so long. He came out, sat down next to our daughter and she immediately wrinkled her nose. He got up and I realized the back of his pants were wet. I convinced him to come with me so he could change. He was grateful since he said he didn't know where the clean clothes were. When he stripped down I saw he had washed out his briefs and put them back on totally wet. His shirttails were also wet besides his jeans. He had washed himself the best he could in our 1/2 bath sink. My daughter checked out the bathroom and there was poop on the seat, in the toilet and in the sink. Tough for my daughter to see, but God bless her, she cleaned it up. Checked the hand towel in the bathroom and realized he had used it as a washcloth and of course hung it back up.

    I could tell today was going to be one of those days -- he was extremely repetitive and when we went out for lunch he ended up eating a serving of ketchup that was in a little cup with a spoon. And he never liked ketchup!
    Lloyd has reached the point where he wears Depends all the time now. I used to put them on after an accident (DUH!) and finally got smart enough to realize before might be a good idea. It is what it is. I just wish he didn't get so combative when I try to remove soiled Depends to clean him up.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2012
    I deal with this daily at my job...some suggestions that we use. We have a adult change table but a massage table, one that folds down will work. Have it at a height that is less stressful on your back and put it against a wall so they can't fall off. Once on there tip them to one side and start cleaning once you are almost done get them back on their back to finish the job. The bm's clean up we use the blue shop paper towels....get them wet and wipe....their cheap and strong for cleaning. We have a garbage can with a lid that holds in the smell so once a day we dump it if they are only wet. The soiled ones we remove right away. If you buy more than one box of gloves at a time you can get them cheaper.

    After all the years I have worked in my field I find it is just part of the job but for someone not used to it, it must be really though and I really feel for you.
    Since my daughter combined households, I have no room for one more piece of furniture. I generally stand him by the toilet after removing rugs and strip him and sit him down on the toilet and clean him up, bathe him if necessary, and then clean up the floor and everything else. I really don't think about it. I just do it.
    This post caught my eye. I remember talking to a few others on this site. We all agreed that we didn't think we could handle incontinence. When the time came, we all did. I think we grow into this disease.
    yeah, wiping a poopy bum is really not all bad....the runny messes are a bit terrifying though.

    10 day respite coming up..and as I was cleaning him this morning, I thought, wow, I will only have to do my own toileting, and showering, and eating, and walking, and dressing, and putting to bed and on and on.
    A nurse shared with me that using foamy shaving cream worked best for cleaning dirty bottoms.... and it worked for me. It is NOT too strong, imagine, one's face is delicate tissue too. I've since found that it even works on my little dog, when he gets some 'stuck' in his long hair. Carefully rinsing is required, but maybe it's the moisturizing oil in it, but it really is much easier than plain water or ordinary soap.

    Nancy B*
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    Just had my first incidence of cleaning up my DH after he messed his pants when we were on a walk. He had diarrhea and was mortified. It wasn't a big traumatic deal to clean him up but only because of the advice and experiences you've shared on this site. (I even remembered to use Vicks to combat the "aroma".) Again, thanks to you all for guiding me through this caregiving gig!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    yay Fiona68!! you did it girl!! it makes sharing all the more 'not so pleasant' activities we have to deal with a bit more bearable knowing someone else can profit from experiences had by others here. not fun but not as bad as most think. sadly it becomes just another duty! good for you.
    divvi EX poop queen. :)
    I the poop princess am so proud of you too Fiona68, and as you had to deal with the real messy kind to start, well the regular everyday ones will seem, well maybe not like a piece of cake..but no big deal at all.

    This was a new one. My guy had just finished pooping and stood up for me to clean his behind. As I was doing that...arrghhh...he peed and peed and peed all over the wall and floor, guess that part wanted to get finished later. oh boy. Poor guy, lucky the Poop princess was there on duty.
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    For anyone in the very early stages, not yet in protective underwear. If you are dealing with a man who is committed to wearing boxers, insist that he change to boxer briefs. The mess is much less.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    Divvi and Coco; thanks for the back-pats. encouraging to know that the "regular kind" will not be as bad as yesterday. He has been asking what my name was for a couple of days and this morning he said "I don't know who you are". Again, without this website, I would have been devastated. However, I realize that it's common and so, just went with the flow. Funny, naively I had said that my line in the sand would be if he didn't know who I was or if he was having incontinence issues. They both reared their ugly heads on the same day and it didn't even bother me too much. Of course, once it becomes the norm, I'm sure I'll change my tune. Next step for me; choosing a Residential Care facility and getting on their list.

    Yes, Divvi, sharing your pain and your experiences is invaluable to all of us newer 'club members'. God bless us all!
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    Wow Fiona, I'm impressed! You are far better at adapting than I was.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2012
    It is that wall I built, Nikki. I'm afraid of letting the feelings surface.
    Fiona68, I too, said those things, that when he did not know me would be the time. Well, he does know me, but, sort of....the falling, the constant falling, the constant crying, the sexual advances and changes every day finally pushed me to it. In fact he has another new symptom just today, he pees anywhere he is standing, on the floor or anywhere, it is unreal how this is accelerating.

    And he cries and sobs if he gets scolded. Oh my guy my sweet the best ever guy, I have to let him go. Don't block your feelings too much Fiona68, though, I find that managing to detach myself from him a bit., to know he is not really in most ways with me, helps.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2012
    Fiona68, I too blocked my feelings. It seemed that I had no tenderness towards him at all. Now that he is in the Veterans Home the feelings have actually come back. I sit there with him & we hold hands & we kiss every once in a while & he smiles at me. The staff tells me that he will ask them where I am & hey tell him that I will be there in a little while (he has no concept of time). I'm also starting to remember the good times we had together & with our kids as they were growing up. I honestly didn't think I would ever remember that, but as I sit here alone in my house I can see him as he was years ago, smiling & joking around (he was always know as a jokester!). So at least for me some of the GOOD memories are coming back (along with a few tears).
    thank you for that ElaineH, as I am facing this. I was cleaning today and found his tweety bird hat, and just cried and cried, not even knowing it was there.

    Don't mean to go off subject..
    I'm thankful that I didn't have to go through the bowl issues. did well in that situation...well done!
    Bad day yesterday. DH had diarrhea, but no trouble getting to the bathroom. No fever, no flu-like symptoms, just diaarhea. No big problem. At 4:00 a.m. this morning, I woke up to find him coming from the bathroom to the bedroom - minus his pj bottoms and underwear! When I asked him what he was doing, he said he didn't quite make it to the toilet and messed up his underwear. Went in the bathroom - didn't find any mess at all, but his pj bottoms and shorts were in the shower. He had tried to wash them out! But at least left them on the shower floor. Fortunately, I have been ordering sample depends, etc., so I told him we'd use them today so he wouldn't be embarrassed if he couldn't get to the bathroom in time. No problem. He went back to bed, I went to make coffee. After we had our coffee, started to make the bed.......uh-oh! Went through the sheet onto the top mattress cover - but I was prepared! I had another water-proof mattress cover under that - it did not go through to that cover though, and mattress is ok! Stripped the bed, did laundry, then when I was going to put the covers and sheets back on.....discovered it was on the light blanket! Another load of laundry! No more messes since, but hopefully, I can keep him in the depends or whatever. Stopped by CVS and bought a pkg. of Tena's so will try them - they look more like underwear than the depends I have.I sure hope this is a fluke, but if not, will just try to deal with it - don't have any other choices!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2012
    aww vickie so sorry you have been initiated into the poop patrol. but yes it happens sooner or later. at least he left it in the shower. dont get too confident that will happen every time. grin. :) yes i do believe your DH may be ready for depends at pm but then again there is a virus going round with diarrhea and such. it may just be his tummy is upset and pepto bismol is good for that if you can get him to chew or swallow it. the tenas are very nice and have a good feel. hopefully he will like them and you may move into the transition without difficulty.
    you did good and just got with the washing up. its a pain in the butt but its gotta get done. and like you say no choices.! good for you. hope things improve
    This is undoubtedly off topic. Perhaps a hand will come out and hit me. Gord had been in incontinence products for most of his last year. The day my son and I were going to the funeral parlour with Gord's clothes, I realized he no longer had any real underwear. When my son came to pick me up, I was crying and holding that damn pretend underwear. I didn't want him wearing those at the end but didn't want to ask my son to take me to the store. He came in, heard the problem. We called the funeral parlour and told them we would be a few minutes late. He didn't want his dad to be in them either.
    jang*-not off topic, a final kindness.
    So very thoughtful, Jang*. I can understand that.
    Thank you ladies.
    I haven't posted much lately but read all comments every day. pamsc, I didn't know about boxer briefs until I read your comment. I'm not dealing with the poop and pee yet but I took your advice and bought some boxer briefs. I can see that they would be so much better with the fitted legs. Thank you for telling us about this.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2012
    I haven't posted much lately either but read often. Here is my tale of woe today: My husband has been missing the toilet lately. Before he can sit down he poops all over the floor, with very loose stool, and doesn't tell me. He tries to hide it by cleaning the floor up with toilet paper! Therefore, he rubs the poop into the grout of the tile. When I first discovered this I was literally trying to clean the grout with a toothbrush because I could not get it all up! This afternoon, just before coming here, I spent the better part of 45 minutes trying to get all the "crap" out of the grout. Can't get it all out. Tried bleach, did not work. I did the best I could with toothbrush and scrub brush and now have to go all over the floor again with Lysol to sanitize it.

    I know there is no way I can get him to understand he should call me when this happens, but I don't know what to do. I can't keep scrubbing the floor like I did today. I have a knee replacement and can only kneel on one knee and you have no idea how difficult it is to reach behind a toilet with the wall right next to it kneeling on one knee! Then again, I suppose there is someone there who knows exactly what I mean.

    Does anyone have any ideas? The grout is actually starting to come out from between the tiles because of all the scrubbing I do.