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      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2010 edited
    Two days ago I injured my ring finger. It became quite swollen. I happened to have a drs appt that morning. When she looked at my finger, she told me to go to a jeweler and have it cut off right away. I was devistated! I sobbed as the poor woman cut my beautiful Irish Eternity Band off my finger. There I stood holding my one of a kind, precious ring in the palm of my hand, in two heartbreaking pieces. How appropriate I thought, broken, just like my heart. She then told me that her Dad did on-site Jewelry repair and design. She asked if I could leave the pieces with her and she would see what he could do with it. Today I went back and she brought out a beautiful heart made to wear on a chain. He had to reset 3 of the diamonds, it is beautiful and unique in it's shape. Now I can wear it forever, for eternity as it was intended. I've put my engagement ring on my right hand where it will stay. As I let my left hand heal I keep rubbing lotion onto the spot that may forever look like there was a ring there, but instead it hangs above my broken heart.
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2010
    How wonderful Susan to save such a treasure and so appropriate. Wonderful story, sad, but happy ending.
    Susan: What a beautiful ending to an event that just seems to happen. I am so glad that it turned out like it did and thank you for sharing it with us.

    During the time I was taking care of my wife, she either hid or gave her rings, earrings, and necklaces away. Either way, they are gone and I have given up hope of ever finding them. However, she had one nice ring left when she went to the NH and I have it here with me. Sometimes she ask me if I will bring it to her, but, I can't because it would disappear also. What hurts me is that I can't explain to her the reason and she can't understand anyhow. She has no memory of the other jewelry that is gone. She sure was proud of it when I gave it to her and it brought her many hours of enjoying wearing it.

    Oh Well, what will be will be.

    Hope your finger heals soon.
    Sometimes sad stories just turn out beautiful. What nice, talented jewelers.
    How wonderful that your jeweler could create something so lovely and sentimental, saving your ring in this way. I have my husband's naval aviator wings on a chain with a diamond in the shield.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2010
    Dean, maybe there is a jeweler near you that can make a cheap copy that it won't matter if it disappears.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010
    Dean, Walmart & Kohls have some awesome knock-offs! My son's girlfriend wears a fake diamond to work. She is always getting hit on, (she's gorgeous) and this keeps the creeps away, lol. You could spend $10. and make her happy! Go for it!
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010
    I had my first wedding ring (from deceased husband) made into a very pretty pendant that i wear all the time. When Jean went into the NH they asked me to take his rings (2) home. I gave one of them to his son and I have his wedding band in a little mahogony box that we bought in Roatan on our last cruise. Periodically, he ask about them and I tell him that I have them at home to keep them safe. He's quite content with that answer.
    One of our good friends lost his wife nearly a year ago. He took his gold ring and hers and had them melded into one shiny gold band. It is really nice..
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010
    Mimi---What a great idea!!
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2010
    Great story. I loved the ending. Almost like a fairy tale. Thank you so much for sharing it.
    Thanks to all of you for your comments and advice. Since I wrote this, my wife ask me if I was saving this ring for another woman after she was gone. It broke my heart because it just isn't true. But, as usual, I can't discuss it (or anything else) with her because she just can't understand. However, I am going to heed your suggestions and get her a ring that won't make much difference if it disappears.

    Hope all of you have a good day.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2010
    Wonderful Dean! You've made my Day!