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    • CommentAuthorShanteuse
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2009
    The cheapies supposedly have too stiff bristles and vibrate too fast so they can tear up your gums. If he's not putting it in his mouth then it's not a problem ! ! ! !
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2009
    ttt for angelb
    • CommentAuthorangelb
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2009
    Thanks for bringing this to the top wa helpful.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2011
    to the top for mothert. issues about dental
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2011
    Thank you for finding this topic for me; I did do a search but didn't find much . This certainly is a problem for most of us with our mates. I had a talk with dh dental office today and they said that if dh can tolerate the hole left by the extraction, then we don't need to do the bridge. Phew, that took a load off my mind. They are aware of his AD and will be conservative with pricy procedures; and we, also, will be having more frequent cleanings from now on.
    I am so concerned about running out of funds and not being able to give him proper care to the end. And then one day, I'm old, a widow, and broke - I have to confess that scares the you know what out of me. I need to have more faith.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2011
    >>>And then one day, I'm old, a widow, and broke - I have to confess that scares the you know what out of me. I need to have more faith. <<<

    mothert - I think the majority of us fear this happening.
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2011 edited
    Well I forgot a dental appointment for dh earlier in the week (I'm sure I preferred not to remember it) and now will have to pay the no-show fee, which my expensive insurance does not cover. Caregiver dementia.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2011 edited
    OH MAN, I just noticed that my husband has lost a bottom front tooth and has some loose teeth. He has a full beard, so it's kind of hard to see his bottom teeth. He has a partial on top which I get him to take out every night so I can clean it but thought (duh!) he was brushing his bottom teeth since his brush was wet in the mornings. We don't have dental insurance and no extra money, but I guess I'm going to have to try to find a dentist who will take payments. It hasn't affected his eating other than I noticed he won't eat bread that has a harder crust---I didn't connect it to a tooth problem. I'm going to have to start brushing for him, if he'll let me. He has always had bad teeth.

    I feel awful and the thought of trying to get him to cooperate with a dentist causes me to feel panicky.
    got hubby the new sonic tooth brush..he wants the old fashioned kind and I told him he has to use this one as it has at least some flossing motions since he does not do as through cleaning as before and he is on quarterly cleanings since the last one was deep cleaning . So far ok..
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2011
    I have a problem with DH using a toothpick,he picks and picks until he picks his fillings out.I won't buy any toothpicks but when we go to the store he buys them.He will get them when we eat out or go anywhere else.
    Some nights my wife just sucks on the toothbrush like a lollypop. Others she will brush very well. I don't even try in the morning. She won't let me help her, so what she does will have to be enough.
    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2011
    My DH has had many dental issues, the last an expensive bridge this spring. Sometimes, out of the blue he announces he has to go to the dentist. I have had to floss his teeth and use little threaders to get under the bridge. He uses an electric tooth brush, but probably not long enough. He is very sensitive about his teeth.