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    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    Something NEW that happened yesterday and it was a rude awakening for me. I don't recall anyone commenting on this before. My dh was going to take a nap and I told him I was going to my daughters house which is 8 miles away and I would be back within the hour. I have done this numerous times. I rarely go out alone and if I do I am back within the hour. BUT, when he woke up I guess he had forgotten where I went and got real upset. He called me on his cell phone and was yelling.........WHERE ARE YOU????? WHERE ARE YOU???? I told him where I was and that I would be home in less then 15 mins. I rarely leave him alone, but If I ever do again I am going to leave a large message on the counter to let him know where I have gone. I never thought about him forgetting where I said I was going....when you stop to think about it, if they can't remember much how are they going to remember where you said you were going.
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    Sounds like he's reached the point where you can't leave him alone. He may not remember about the note either. One time I let my husband sleep while I went to work. I only work until 1:30 in our mobile home park. He woke up and didn't remember. He was outside in his underwear, looking for me. A neighbor came to work and got me.That was my wake-up call. I started him in day=care while I worked.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    I agree with Carolyn - you can't leave him alone anymore. I marvel at how many people leave their spouses alone; my DH is quite functional but I have not been able to leave him unsupervised and alone since he got lost driving 2 years ago. If they can't remember simple things they can no longer be left alone in my opinion.
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    You gals are so right. Sometimes I wonder how dense we can be (meaning myself) like I must be a slow learner. It is just so strange that a simple thing like going to our daughters for just a little while could cause such panic in him. I felt so sorry for him and I could hear the panic in his voice. I will never do that again.
    JudithKB, I leave mine alone in the mornings only - his best time of the day for an hour or so. I go into work 3 blocks away 2-3 days a week for an hour or 1-1/2 hours, but I always call him 2-3 times while I'm gone. He knows how to call me and he does sometimes, but at times he can't remember where I am, so I just call him about every 15 min. I rarely leave him alone in the afternoons and, of course,never at night.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    Judith, don't beat yourself up. There is a first time for everything in our journey & that was yours. My DH was getting increasingly nervous when I would go to work (& I only work one day a week) & finally one day he went across the street to our daughter's house (thank the Lord she lives across the street) & he was upset because he didn't know where I went so he stayed by her house until I got home & then he was angry at me for leaving him. So now when I go to work he goes to one of my daughters houses (I have 2 daughters in the area.) He doesn't like me going to work, but we need the money & I need to get away.
    I took pictures of everywhere I go, including inside our retirement facility (library, dining room, auditorium, mailroom, swimming pool, etc.). Also pictures of the mall, grocery store, etc. etc. Then I printed the pictures out and mounted them on large pieces of cardboard. Underneath each picture I wrote what the picture represented. I then attached a piece of string to each one so I can hang it up on the inside of the front door.
    I also put my cell phone number on the inside of the door.
    I did this about a year ago, when I returned home from lunch with a friend and found the sheriff's police at the front desk. He'd reported me missing.!
    The sad fact is, once the disease has progressed to the point where they are upset/scared of being left alone, it is the same as leaving a small child on their own--unacceptable.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2013
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