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    • CommentAuthorThunder*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    My daughter and I Co-captain a team for our county-wide Memory Walk. For the last few years my daughter has held a fundraiser event as a part of the effort. This year's event was yesterday and was a huge success! We have six members on our team and aside from the usual email solicitations for donations we hold a number of fundraising events including an Ice-skating / hockey clinic, jewelry sales and of course.... Kathleen's Fundraiser at the Hook-N-Ladder Saloon. This year Kathleen included a dunking booth... Everyone loved it. The owner of the Saloon took a turn in the dunking cage and his own daughter gave him is first bath. I took my Wife by for a little while and kept her away from the worst of the noise and hoopla. She did very well and her presence put a human face on the issue for all of Kathleen supporters. We have posted over $3200.00 from this event alone so far and our team total is over $8K. The money cannot give Kathleen her mom back but it helps us both to feel like we are not just standing helplessly by.
    Thunder you and your family are indeed impowered to accomplish something. Good for all of you!!!
    What a great event to make happen! You and your daughter are to certainly be congratulated, both for the care you give and the effort you have put forth. Hugs to all of you.