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    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2010
    I have felt for some time that Charlie is experiencing pain but is unable to tell us where. Earlier this week he passed 2 kidney stones. I can't even begin to imagine the pain he was in. I am also beginning to suspect that he might have a tooth ache at times. He rolls his tongue around one side of his mouth a lot, especially after eating. He makes horrible faces and is quite agitated during this time. I checked his mouth tonight after supper and didn't see any holes or dark spots but I did find one tooth that was very sharp. The nursing home gives him a mild dose of Vicodin 3 times a day (6 hours apart). I have asked them to either increase the dosage or give it more frequently but they don't seem to think it is necessary Any suggestions. He goes for a CT scan on Monday to check for more stones
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2010 edited
    I would take him to a dentist to have his mouth checked. He could have an absess, and that pain is unbearable, and the infection will spread. Or it could be nothing, but it is better to get it checked. The dentist could sedate him so he can be worked on.

    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    How do they know it was a kidney stone? If the suspect that it was and only gave him mild Vicodin they should be shot!! A kidney stone is very painful. Does he have a cath in? Was there blood in the urine?
    ehamilton--Does the nursing home have a "dentist of record"? I was told that here (MD), it is a state requirement and know of a geriatric dentist who has a contract to provide services to several of them, so the residents don't have to be taken out--much easier.
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    Oh the poor bugger!!! I have them and it is very painful, I imagine even worse for men. The nursing home where Lynn is does have a dentist who can come in, but he can't bring a lot of equipment for obvious reasons. It is worth looking into... best of luck and I hope your DH isn't in too much pain. ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2010
    They found the blood and 2 stones in his depend when they changed him. Don't know if there was blood before this, but I will be sure to ask. They do not have a regular dentist but they assure me that they will see that he is checked. I can't take him to the dentist myself because it is pretty much impossible to get him into a car. He is being transported by ambulance to the hospital tomorrow for his CT scan.
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2010
    Well the good news is he passed them, the bad news is he was in terrible pain, I am so sad that he had to endure that with out any pain pills. I have had them. He needs to drink lots of water every day and that will keep the system flushed out and the stones will not form. and his urine should be very light colored almost clear, if not drink more water. I was also given some Flow Max med to help me pass the stones which worked.