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    • CommentAuthorrachelle
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2010
    I've read various lists detailing stages of different dementias. I realize that each person can be in stages for different lengths of time (and can overlap between stages). But are there lists that correlate the stages with approximate age as the individual is losing cognitive and other abilities? For instance, complete incontinence would correlate with infancy . . . other symptoms/stages would correlate with pre schooler age category . . . some with behaviors of a younger school aged child (say 6 to 8 years).

    Hubby did something recently that was really childish. (He was tired and not having a good day). Made me realize that, in the past, had one of our children done same thing, we (as parents) would have taken some time to explain the inappropriateness of the behavior and discussed more acceptable ways of reacting. That made me wonder if any of the stage lists correlate symptoms to approximate ages of adolescence and childhood and infancy as dementia is sometimes described as maturing in reverse . . .
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2010
    Go to the and click on the site map and scroll down until you find Functional Stages of Human Development and Alzheimers.
    That chart is somewhat useful. Since our AD falls into the Benson's or "visual variant" category, it can be hard to gauge by a typical scale. But I suppose I can take that chart to mean that--as we are having early problems with dressing and showering (can't get things on the right way, don't remember to use shampoo,) it looks as if we may be crossing the cusp from 5-6.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2010
    Also, go to my Sept. 08 Blog -
