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    • CommentAuthorbeachgirl
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2010
    My husband told me last night a story about us going to pick up my stranded neice We were on a bus because that's all we could find. He said the weather was so icy that the bus started to slide sideways. He continued on with a very long story and got frustrated as I was trying to connect with it.
    He has been telling me that he has been to several places or restaurants that we had only visited for the first time. He goes on and on and tels me who the owner is and that he has met him. I try to go along with his stories unless he asks me questions. He says that he is remembering more in his brain. What's going on?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2010

    This is called "confabulation", and it is quite common. I have brought the two discussions on it to the top for you.

    • CommentAuthorbeachgirl
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2010
    ThANKS! I appreciate you bringing up the two discussions on this subject!
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010
    hey my wife a retired school teacher thinks the staff at the AL were either her students or she taught their kids,when we'd go out to eat sometime during the course of the meal she would see someone she "knew" from school,rather than question I just went along with it,saves alot of argueing,their in their own little world now
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010
    My DH "always" sees people he knows & he's always say Hi to people. He was on the USS Forrestal in 1967 when it blew up in Vietnam & he has a USS Forrestal baseball cap that he wears all the time. Well quite a few people stop him and ask him if he was on the ship, so then he proceeds to tell them his experiences & of course when he forgets the details I have to fill in the blanks. I have been told by more than one person that his experience could be a big reason for his condition & that he should be getting disability for that.
    I found that John made up fabulous stories about himself since I met him! Just began discovering they were lies (um, confabulations) a few years ago. Fabulous stuff. The most remarkable one he always went on about (since I've known him) was that he was a fighter pilot...the lights went red and he had to eject, causing massive injury to his chest, lost a lung, on and on. Even had great stories about how he had to have 22 pints of blood because the doc couldn't be located....he was off playing golf. Found out last year that none of it was true. His scar was due to lung surgery when he was in his 20's. Tossed the "memoirs".