OK, so it's my grandson Diego's 7th birthday last Saturday. My house is full of family and friends and the dog runs off. My nephew and Dee go looking for her. They catch her, she saw the leash and thought "oh cool, I can go for a walk" dummy was already free, lol. As they are walking back to he house the dog starts going crazy. There was a tiny kitten following them. Diego of course picks it up and carries into the house full of people with eyes the size of saucers and says, "Gramma, can I keep him?" Ok, who is going to tell him NO ON HIS FLIPPIN BIRTHDAY? Sure you can, I say, shaking my head. Today I gave the little cutie THREE baths in order to get him really clean. Can we say FLEAS!!!!! Off to the vet I go. He is too little for flea treatments, and they tell me he is so sick he will probably not live! I'm standing their with this little grey furball with the most beautiful eyes crying myself silly. I call animal control and they take the kitten and go after my irrasponsible, cruel neighbor who allows it cats to multiply like rabbits. Next I grab my Mother and say, we are on a mission, we have to find another grey kitten before Dee gets home from day camp! Oh the Gods were watching over me, because the first shelter we went to had ONE GREY KITTEN! Fluff is grey with white stripes! Will Dee notice the difference, if so what do we tell him?
Dee walks in and says "WOW, THE BATH REALLY WORKED, FLUFF HAS STRIPES AND GREW! And he loved Fluffernutters new collar and tag:o) Score one for Gramma! Happy boy, happy kitten, but Peanut Butter and Jelly are still trying to figure out who invited the new kid, lol
hmmm. Reminds me of a sitcom episode I saw once long ago. Had something to do with a pet a housesitter had thought they had let die. Turned out all wrong....I'll have to think about it and recount the joke to you all. Maybe someone can think of it for me.