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    The other day at DH's daycare, I noticed large boxes of men's and women's disposables. It made me think about the future, and I wondered whether anyone here buys disposables in bulk. The cartons were much larger than what I've seen in local stores--it makes sense that they would be available that way for use by daycares, residential facilities, and would have to be a lot more economical. I realize that there's a lot of difference between all the products out there and one would have to know which product works best for their LO. Does anyone here buy them in bulk, perhaps over the Internet? I noticed there are lots of medical supply stores online that sell them by the case, some with free shipping.
    I used to buy the pads to use as puppy-wee-wee pads, since they were exactly the same thing, only much cheaper. Look on the internet to find where to buy in bulk.
    Marilyn, I did buy them in bulk over the internet. I used the Tena brand and purchased enough to receive free shipping. I did it for over three years and never had a problem. Even when my husband was under hospice care I used my own Tena brand as the ones that I could have received from hospice were an inferior quality and had a strange odor. I can't remember the name of the company, but I assume most of them work the same way.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010
    I do not yet need those supplies for my husband, but I just purchased a case of Depends for my father. I found a place online that had exactly what I wanted at a good price, but I am not going to recommend it until it arrives and I see if their service is as promised.

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010 edited
    i've had great luck with northshorecare supply and drugstoredotcom. both have the tena/ tranquility extra absorbency overnites pullups. northshore sells lots of brands to choose from and has other pads for bedding too. prices were good compared to retail. and easy with direct delivery.

    i agree hospice quality diapers are terrible. i use my own tena brand as well. and pads for the inside too-
    I just checked the northshorecare supply web site. The Depend style and size I use for DW costs $19.25 for a package of 16. For that same size package in our local supermarket the cost is $13.50, including tax. I guess I'll stay with the local store.
    Marsh--what I was thinking of would be packaged in a larger quantity than what the local stores sell (i.e., by the case, as Joan mentioned). If that is out there, than I'm assuming it would bring the price down.
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010
    Nope...In going to different sites it looks like the local stores have better prices.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010
    buying in bulk should be a tad less of course but depends on where you live i think. in our case, it was next to impossible to find the tenas serenity pullups for men and i found them by the case. somewhat pricier is fine with me due to not being able to find them locally. plus when you pay for help to sit with DH/DW just to get out the cost is counterproductive. there are dozens of wholesale dealers that sell in bulk. just be sure its the kind you like prior to ordering tons of them. !
    So....based on what others have posted about the hospice-supplied diapers, there are different grades (quality) of diapers? So perhaps the institutional type I saw at the daycare might be cheaper, but wouldn't work as well, might have a strange odor, etc.? I'm going to ask at the daycare when we go next week.
    Joan--Your Dad is now living in an ALF, but the family has to supply the Depends? Or is it more cost-effective to do it that way? My Dad's ALF gave us the choice of them providing Ensure, at a marked-up cost, or us buying it for him--which we do.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010

    Either way, whether the ALF supplies them or we buy them somewhere else, he still has to pay for them. The nurse told me that ordering them through the ALF is more expensive, and suggested I order them myself. Which I did.

    The nursing home my Mom is in only supplies diapers - but she wears pull-ups, so we have to supply them.
    • CommentAuthoroldlady
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010
    I have bought from( ) there ex-long pads. I have already put in 2 orders. willy (oldlady)
    • CommentAuthorJane*
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2010 edited
    I agree, the Hospice supplied pull ups are the worst ever, however the briefs with tabs that I now have to use with my husband and Hospice provides are great. In fact I have searched the internet and found a place where they can be purchased and I will order these when Hospice leaves us again, with my husband as he declines and then levels out and then declines again Hospice comes and goes and I plan to be ready with the ordering of these briefs.

    Check out the web site, they have a lot of the supplies that Hospice provides for us and I have to say some of them are great. We use the Adult Briefs Wings Choice as shown on the web site. I also buy the Tena Pads to use with these and find they are cheaper at the local drug store and grocery store than buying in bulk.
    • CommentAuthornellie
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2011
    I purchase from H.D.I.S. look online for tollfree number. they may be more expensive but quality is better and so much more convenient than going from one store to another looking for o'nite extra absorbancy and correct size. Always was a hassle and maybe not find in any store. This is not a paid endorsement either, I've purchased enough diapers that i could own several shares of stock.
    FYI--When I was a BJ's wholesale club recently I noticed they now have their own line of disposable underwear (pullups). I had checked last year, and at that time, all I saw there were the Depends brand, which were still more costly than the Target or Walmart store brand products. BJ's storebrand is priced a lot lower than their price for Depends, but I don't have any information on how good it is.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2011
    Maybe you could send BJ's an email and see if they would send samples out. Tell them if they are as good or better than Depends you will recommend them to others.
    Charlotte--As I recall, the BJ's brand was marked Extra Absorbent--that was the type I had started my husband with. However, when he got used to that I switched to Maximum Absorbency (Walmart Brand) so that he has more protection. So the BJ' s brand wouldn't work for him at this point anyway--just wanted people to know about it.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2012
    ttt for ac
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2012
    I now purchase a case of Depends adjustables from Walmart online. It is a case of 4 packs under $50. The liners I like are Moliform (three thicknesses to chose from) and I get a case from Magic Medical which sends them out the next business day (shipping included in the price). I use Amazon to purchase the no rinse cleansers (as my husband is bathed in bed). Huggies are wonderful (Walmart large box). I order a lot from Walmart as they have most of what I need and it is free shipping. You have to do a lot of searching. If you can get samples (sometimes the companies charge for this) it gives you a good idea of size, comfort, and dryness (away from the skin). A friend recommend Butt Paste (small tubes at markets and drug stores but Walmart on line has the large jar. I think they charge $.97 shipping) and I use it all of the time for the genital areas. Once you find people you trust and products you like, then it is a matter of knowing how often to order. Good Luck.
    ps I noticed others using store brands and caution that they tear easier so you may have to buy up.
    An FYI for those with LO's in facilities. My husband's ALF allows families to provide incontinence supplies, or they will provide them for an additional cost. I examined the ones they provide and they are about half the thickness of the Walmart pullups at a much higher cost. I feel it is well worth it to bring in the pullups and wipes, ensuring better quality at a nice savings. I also provide all his personal care items, because I can buy the brands he always used, also at a lower cost than what the ALF would provide. Not sure if it is an industry practice to bill families extra for these supplies, but if it is, you may want to consider doing the same.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2012
    Brindle-what are Huggies? I only know them as baby diapers-do they have them for adults? Marilyn, yes, ALF's charge a "convenience fee" or a markup to families-an easy way to increase their profits for famlies who don't want the inconvenience of purchasing products on their own.

    Not connected to incontinence but also something everyone with a LO in a facility- the ALF Rich was in for 2 weeks required that his meds be in a bubble pack dispenser. I called our insurance and they advised that they could not supply bubble packs, so I had to pay at least retail price for his meds even though we had a drug plan. I called again after he was no longer living in the ALF and was advised that if they could not supply a bubble pack they would process the ALF prescripion and give us the same discount as if we ordered thru the mail order drug plan. Good for family to know-be insistent.
    It seems to be difficult to find these things, even online, in a size smaller than M/L. That usually has a 34-60" waist size, and it's too big.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2012
    I'm still ordering the adult diapers for my father, and now the Depends briefs for my husband. I was ordering my father's Tena's from, which is cheaper than a lot of other sites. But Walgreen's often sends coupon deals through e-mail. I shop around online until I find the best price. I order monthly, and each month it can be from someplace different.

    Sam's Club has their own brand that is much cheaper than Tena - the adult diapers with the tabs on the side. I'm not sure if they're as absorbent as the Tena.

    Also, has the cheapest prices for gloves and wipes.

    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2014
    ttt for KY caregiver