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    • CommentAuthorSheltifan
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010
    Well, the last time I was on this board during a late nite vent, I inherited the Poop Tiara. Tonite is nothing that dramatic, but still.......I gotta vent! I have no one else to tell these bizarre tales to.

    Today was my day off, so no home aides today..just me and DH. This evening was very typical, he went to bed early and would get up every 45 minutes or so and would stay up about 10 minutes and go back to bed. Very routine. Nothing seemed any different.

    When I was ready to go to bed, I got the animals all rounded up and headed for their kennels and when I entered the bedroom, I saw the carpet by the bathroom was just drenched.

    Opened the bathroom door and it was completely flooded, including the walkin closet. Up to my ankles. I immediately thought it must be the toilet, but as I sloshed my way in, I saw he had stuffed a pair of shorts into the shower drain, took the hose assembly for the shower and laid it on the floor and turned the water on full blast. I couldnt hear it, cuz it was on the floor of the shower and made no noise. ( It's a wheel in shower, almost no edge to the rest of bathroom).

    So...started the mopping and soaking of every single towel like thing in the house. He laid in bed and watched me. No explanation, no apology. Nothing. No reaction other than to offer a depends to soak it up.

    Cleaned up as best I could for now, will have to follow up tomorrow with lugging a dresser etc out of walkin closet.

    And this occurred on my watch. The one who is "best" at watching over him. Right.

    I have to try to sleep after my back-breaking workout. I have to work early in the am.

    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2010
    Sheltifan, what an ordeal. You must be in competing for some grand hero award. Sure hope you got a good night's sleep.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2010
    Oh, so sorry! That's a very "worthwhile" event to vent over! My hb left water running in sink once w/stopper down while I was at work. Granddaughter found water running into basement garage when she came over to mow. Glad she came, otherwise .... I've since had to quit work, and as you found, still stuff happens.

    My hb has the same bedtime "routine" as yours. He frequently changes clothes that he sleeps in, puts them in laundry hamper, and I take them out. I may start checking him every 15' or so when he's out of sight. One wonders what your hb was thinking when he did the "set up." Of course, they can't explain it (except we know the Dementia Devil - DD for short.)
    • CommentAuthorjoyce43*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2010
    DH loved to turn the water on full force and leave it running. I found the safest thing to do was to turn the water off under the sink so he couldn't turn it on.
    Another life saver for me was the "hook and eye " locks. I put them at the TOP of every inside door and kept them hooked so he couldn't open the doors. That way I didn't have to watch him every minute. Those along with the keyed dead bolts on the outside doors gave me some relief.
    Not sure this would work if they still understand that the doors should open.
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2010 edited
    My husband is a runner but I find that in practice it is enough to lock the front door -- the one that we always use when we are leaving by car or bike. He seems to have forgotten that it can be opened with a key, and he comes to me complaining that the door doesn't work and he can't get out.

    There are two other doors that we use to go into the back and side yards, and these can be standing wide open (he knows how to use the keys for these, they are kept near the doors) but he never realizes that he could go out these doors, walk around the house to the driveway and leave. Well, at least this has not happened yet. I do watch him closely when he gets restless starting around 4 pm. Then it's time for food or distraction.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2010
    I am really sorry that you had to deal with that especially in the middle of the night. I hope you were able to fix it. I really like joyce43 suggestion. My DH is always doing something to mess up the bathroom. What is it about the bathroom that is so fascinating?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2010
    the bathroom is where the most action can be - you have three sources of water to play with!!