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    I just read this on the internet. If your spouse (or you) have trouble swallowing pills like my husband does, it may be an answer. I haven't checked it out yet, but I am going to.

    ...and another thing

    "These pills are even bigger!" my husband said to me...well, actually barked at me...when I handed him a new bottle of our multi-vitamins.

    And he was right. They were. It turned out they had added more vitamin D--which is a great thing--but now our horse pills were elephant pills.

    I hadn't given it a second thought because I don't have any problem swallowing pills. But he hates it. Can't take more than one or two at a time.

    So when we were at Walgreen's the other day, I remembered Pill-Glide. A guy I used to work for makes it. It's a spray that coats your mouth and throat so pills go down easily.

    I asked the pharmacist about it and he said we were in luck...that they'd just started carrying it.

    It's perfectly safe to use with any vitamins or prescriptions. And it tastes pretty good, too. (We got the strawberry.)

    So if you've been looking for a way to get the vitamins (or medicine) down easier, you may want to try Pill-Glide. I called my old boss and he told me you can get it at Walgreen's, CVS and Publix.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010

    Thank you! My husband has no trouble with pills - his are either small or capsules, but I take potassium pills, and they are horrible and huge. So are the calcium pills. I will try that spray.

    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010 edited
    Lately my dh has been refusing to take the pills - don't know why. So I crush the Risperidon and stir it through a little tub of jogurt. He has never figured out how I'm tricking him. About 15 minutes later he is then (so far) always willing to take the rest.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010
    Mine does his crushed into his yogurt in the morning and ice cream at night. Never seems to bother him. But for ME.. I do NOT need the icecream! it might be good.

    BTW - anyone who's crushing pills - a mortar and pestle (Bed & Bath) does MUCH better than the "pill crusher" from the drugstore.