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    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    I made an offer on the 2 bedroom town home and it was accepted! The closing will be at the end of this month so I have a lot of work to do in the meantime. DH doesn't remember much about it so I will probably take him over there again before we move. Wish me luck and LOTS of ENERGY. lol
    Congratulations, sounds like a great place......good luck with the move....
    Jean, I wish you all of the luck in the world!!! Please get lots of help for the actual move!!! Congratulations!!!
    • CommentAuthorBlossom
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    I'm with you Jean21. We just signed all the paperwork for our bigger condo in the same complex we're in, so we're moving, too. I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but it's too late now. Best of luck!
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    Thanks Ladies.

    Mary I don't know where I would get help it's just me and DH and I know he won't be much help.

    Blossom, we are moving from a condo, third floor no elevator. DH has fallen twice in the past couple of weeks. The second one was while he was walking and I had to take him to the emergency room. He got 5 stitches over hs left eye and had the best shiner I've ever seen! Took him back this morning to get the stitches out but as far as I am concerned his walking days are over.
    Jean, if you call your Church - or any Church nearby and tell them that your husband is ill and you are moving and need help, I'm certain that some of the Church members would be happy to lend a hand moving the boxes for you.

    Blossom, good luck to you too!!!

    I wish you both well with the moves....PLEASE don't strain your backs!!!!!

    You both ARE hiring moving companies for the furniture and appliances, right??????
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    Mary, I am getting new bedroom furniture for the 2 bedrooms. All appliances are in the townhome, waher/dryer, micro, dishwasher, fridge (double door) and self cleaning oven. There isn't a lot of furniture to be moved so I am trying to see if there is someone other than one of the big guys.
    Ladies-good luck with your moves.
    I like all of your responses and perhaps I should have consulted you before my move. Or maybe I'm just clumsy and didn't know how to go about it. Of course, DW was already in a facility so I was trying to see after her and sell our house in another state. Oh well, enough excuses. I just blew it and maybe it much more difficult that it should have been.

    But - I did follow Joan's blog and how she handled her move. She sure made it look easy.

    Wishing you well.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010 edited
    EASY????? No, it wasn't easy, but I had some time. We got the keys to the Villa on August 17th, and the main move with the professional movers was August 31st. Since the Villa was 15 minutes from the old house, I could make short trips with some stuff, but in the end, I was so exhausted, I had the movers finish the packing. Sid was confused and cranky, so I ended up doing 90% of the unpacking.

    Jean - check out my blogs from last July and August about the move. You will find them in the previous blog section on the left side of the home page. Click on 2009, then click July and scan for "move" blogs. Same thing for August and September. My best advice is:

    1. Expect no help from your spouse.
    2. Get as much volunteer help as you can, and as much professional help as you can afford.
    3.Try to set up things (including what is in the kitchen drawers) as close to their position in the old house as possible. It cuts down on AD confusion.
    4.With volunteer and professional help, get the new house set up as soon as possible. Boxes all over the place, and not being able to find things creates stress, confusion, and aggravation for both of you.
    5. GOOD LUCK!

    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2010
    All good advice. Just a bit more from someone who moved across country several times.

    Pack an OPEN ME FIRST box. In that box put a roll of toilet paper, clean sheets for your bed, your blankets and pillows, clean towels for your bathroom and necessities for showering. Mark it in red.

    Pack a second OPEN ME FIRST box for the Kitchen. Mark it for the kitchen. Put kitchen towels in there along with basic cleaning supplies. Mark it in red too.

    When you move make sure you know where those two boxes are immediately. Take them in your own car if it is a local move.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2010 edited
    joan, I read your blogs and I knew quite a few of your tips. We have moved a few times between the military and retirement but this move will be the LAST!

    I will be donating bedroom furniture and some other things to Habitat for Humanity so there won't be a lot of large furniture to go and no appliances. Which is why I need to find a moving company with a smaller truck, it is a local move. I plan to have the new bedroom furniture delivered to the "new" home before we move and make up the beds. The only thing that bothers me is taking some of the stuff myself, not the driving etc. but getting whatever down from the third floor. I sure don't want DH falling down the stairs, he thinks he can carry stuff like he did when we moved here 9 years ago! I guess I will try to find a couple of volunteers from our church. Can you believe DH doesn't want anyone here to know we are moving. He still thinks they are working against us and might do something!!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2010
    Jean - see if the youth are willing, they might be having a fund raising for somethig. Often for a small donation they will do it.
    Love your suggestions, Joan, I would say putting things in the kitchen drawers as much as possible makes it easier on us too.LOL..I am so used to where my things have been in drawers for20 years I would not want the treasure hunt either!
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2010
    Well it looks like I will the get mortgage loan. I think I signed my life away!!! The closing is set for end of July...I think DH thought we would be moving right away. He was hallucinating again yesterday about the woman on the second floor. Something about 2 pieces of "something" I had in my bag and that she wanted some money and I asked him if it was okay. Of course he can't explain anything because he can't organize his thoughts so I have no idea what he was trying to say. He ended up frustrated and angry and decided it was my fault and there was no sense talking to me. lol.
    • CommentAuthorrachelle
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2011
    We've recently downsized so I thought I'd add my experience to the suggestions shared above. I have recently helped other family members move and hubby wasn't interested or able to help much with any of those moves so I didn't expect any different with our move. However, he surprised me and did help more than I'd anticipated although left on his own, his efforts were rather random. Thank goodness for two or three friends who came alongside and gave him much needed direction/assistance on occasion. Several days he refused to lay down for his regular (much needed) nap and got somewhat frayed around the edges those days. I expect he will be catching up on rest for the next few weeks.

    Because of helping with recent moves, I knew I'd be responsible for all the arrangements / organizing etc (which I was with this move too) but the experience of doing other moves meant that I knew where to get boxes, packing supplies, where to get rid of things, changes to do etc. I packed with the goal of being able to unpack easily and get things set up as quickly as possible. The movers were amazing-----came in under estimated time and price and there was no damage to any of our things or to walls/doorways of our old or new place. Weather co-operated too. A friend volunteered to help both days of actual move and she was wonderful-----unpacked lots of boxes and I put away. Main areas were functional and boxes gone very quickly.

    DH did comment that the movers worked "too fast" and said "they should have been slower". He said it was like a "whirlwind". If I had it to do again, I would have arranged for him to be away for actual move-----he really found it difficult to process all the change and was rather underfoot asking for his lunch or coffee when movers wanted to check furniture placement etc. He expected/needed his regular routine and would have done better coming back once things were set up rather than being in the middle of it all.

    Even though things went better than I expected, it's sure good to have actual move behind us!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2011
    So happy you are moved and things are settling down. You both deserve a good nap!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
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