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    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2008
    My husband used to have Maltese. He still raves about them. (I came equipped with a very old cat who couldn't possibly have adapted to D-O-G's, and he fell in love with her, and it's been cats ever since.)
    • CommentAuthorfrand*
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    Joan - did I miss something? Did you decide on a dog?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    Hi frand,

    I think I may have written it somewhere in a blog, but the final decision is that I am going to wait until hurricane season is over and wait to see how Sid does on the drug trial. I don't want to bring another responsibility into this house when I don't know what Sid's behavior or reponse will be to the drug.

    If all seems to be going well, we will adopt, but the breed is still in question. I'm learning towards a miniature poodle.

    Coincindentally, I ran into an acquaintance from my support group - she works full time, so only attended sporadically, then not at all. She moved into my neighborhood a couple of weeks ago - her husband is much more advanced than Sid, and goes to Day Care. Anyway, we saw them both out walking one night, and what does she have, but a puppy on a leash. I could not believe it, because I know she is overwhelmed with running her business, caring for her husband, and dealing with teenagers who are not coping well with their Dad's illness. But there they were, with a new puppy. She said it's great company for her husband. :)

    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    OK, Joan, if we don't get to vote on a dog for you any more, maybe we should all express our opinions to Barack Obama about HIS dog selection decision!
    • CommentAuthorfrand*
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    Hey, I already contacted the Obama website and advised him to do the right thing and get his dog from a shelter like the responsible people do. Let's see if he does!
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    Dogs are a lot of responsibility. You have to walk them. (There will be a point at which you can't leave Sid alone.) I had a Springer Spaniel, love of my life. But truthfully, a cat at this point is much less high maintenance. I would suggest a Maine Coon cat or the other breed, name escapes me now, who are very dog like in personality. They are just as loyal, not like other cats, & love to snuggle. I love my cat, she keeps me company & my husband loves her too.
    We tried a shelter dog, it was my husband's idea. Sasha was just too much for him though she was sweet and loving. Giving her up was very painful but she went to a good home.

    Two years ago I went to see a friend's new litter of puppies. I thought they would be Bernese Mountain dogs as she has those - this litter was Havanese. The breed is an old cross between Maltese and Poodle. Maggie (13 lbs. of clown and playmate) has just turned two. She adapted herself to our different styles. She sleeps and lies around all day with my husband and the cat. When I get home work she is waiting for me at the door with the ball and we play go for walks and she lays beside me when I read or knit. She sleeps between her humans unless the cat gets there first.

    She has been my sanity and a real comfort for my husband. It was an emotional fit and we deal with the shelter issue by making donations.

    My support group members who have pets, mostly dogs, agree that the animals are helpful to have.
    • CommentAuthordoneit
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2009 edited
    ttt for bookworm
    Just wondering if you ever got a dog Joan....
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2009

    Long story short. No. If my fiancial situation improves, I will get a dog. Not until then.

    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2009
    They can be an expense, that's for sure. If you get a dog or a cat through a rescue org., they've usually had much of what they need for awhile.