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    My father-in-law was perscribed Zoloft (not sure of spelling) for "progressive dementia." He spend four days in the local VA hospital in an attempt to curb his agression. MIL had double knee replacement surgery on Monday, so my son, DH and I are providing 24X7 for a while. As I am so sure that DH has FTD, I am pretty sure that FIL has it also. He took early retirement at age 55, 30 years ago, and received SSD also at that time. Early dementia was one reason. So it is documented that this started 30 years ago. He has all the FTD symptoms.

    So does any one have first-hand experience with Zoloft. He has been on it for 4 days and he does seem to be mellower than he was when we took him in on Friday evening.

    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    Mary, My DH has been on Sertraline the generic form of Zoloft. It probably took a while to work but it finally kicked in. He was put on it for his hallucinations as far as I know because he wasn't agressive...maybe he would have been without it.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    My little grandson has a left frontol brain lobe deficit and he takes Zoloft. We are happy with it. My DH (FTD) was on paxil and it worked wonders.
    It is the generic Sertraline that they perscribed, 1/2 a tablet. Jean21, does your DH have FTD? or something else?

    Thanks for all of your responses.

    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    Mary, My DH has AD. He takes 100mg, it started with 50mg for a while and then went to 100.
    Mine takes 50 mg. Sertraline. Has really helped a lot - mellowed him out - and me too!
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    Zoloft (Sertaline) is an SSRI antidepressant. I've read that SSRIs can help FTD patients. They are not sure why but it does help. My husband was on zoloft for awhile but now is on cymbalta.
    • CommentAuthortexasmom
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    When my DH was first diagnosed in 2006, they weren't sure whether it was FTD or AD (and they still aren't 100% sure, although leaning toward AD), so the neurologist prescribed Zoloff (he actually gets the generic as noted above) and told us it was one of the antidepressants that usually worked for FTD and/or AD. He's been on it ever since with no side effects. He's happy most of the time, but of course, that could also be because the further he declines the less he is aware of this awful disease.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2010
    My AH is on generic zoloft, it has been a great help,he had been on cymbalta,was very belligerent on that and fell asleep as sson as he ssat down. Now on zoloft he goes all day working in the yard or at our antique shop with only a catnap late afternoon.sleeps well about 9 -10 hrs. at night.But everyone reacts differently .