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Vanilla 1.1.2 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    Has anyone switched from Aricept to Exelon patch? My DH had been on Aricept for 7 years, the last 3 years at only 5 mg per day. I know it was time to get him off it since it doesn't do much/any good after that length of time. Dr. put him on the patch 4 weeks ago; He immediately had "queasy" stomach, which he never had with Aricept. That seems to be the only side effect he has - he still has it - not everyday but about every other day. I see no difference in how he is generally. Was just wondering if anyone who is on it has seen improvement, decline??
    Vickie: I have said before that my DW had terrible side effects from aripect so we were forced to change to the Exelon patch. I'm sorry to say that a few months after our diagnosid, she started to decline rapidly and neither of them helped us at all.

    I think I read somewhere that up to 1/3rd of the people that use these don't get any benefits, but, as I understand it, this is all we have.

    Wishing you Well.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2010
    My hb was switched from Aricept to Exelon 4.6 as his dementia seemed to progress and then to 9.5 for same reason. I've seen no improvement, and he's gradually declined. I have no idea whether it's helped or we're just supporting pharms. I suggested the same to the neurologist, and she said if we take him off, the decline might be more rapid, and it's good to try to maintain a decent quality of life. Can't argue with that, it doing any good. Don't know. He's had no side effects to any of it.