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    • CommentAuthorAudrey
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    I'm pasting this from another thread where I just posted:

    Not sure if this is whats going on with DH. He is going through somthing that is a first for us. Not sleeping..up at 1 or 2 in the morning. He says "I'm going to die" or "I hate myself" or "I going to leave." As I said, this is a first and I'm not sure you'd call it agitation but then I don't know what else to call it! Last night he was up at 2. He finally went to bed about 4 (I didn't) was up at 7. Tood a long nap around 10. He will lie down, sometimes sleep, sometimes not and then he's up again. I'm going to call his neuro on Monday. At one time I could give him melatonin and he would sleep. That hasn't worked in the last 3-4 days. Right now he's listening to his music and singing away just like he normally does. Is this a progression? I know I need some sleep but my main concern is what to do for him.

    Anyone have any thoughts on what might be going on? Anyone gone through something like this? My DH has always been so easy going...he has had a few times when he didn't feel well and was irritable but nothing like this...I'm at my wits in..(sleepy also! LOL!)..I'm going to call the neuro but I don't know what to do between now and Monday. Help!!!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    Audrey, I am not going through this but I know others have. I am not sure if it is on one thread or spread out in others. Maybe those who posted similar problems will remember. The sleep deprivation is not good and some have been led to place their spouse due to this.
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    It's amazing. On the one hand they seem to need so much sleep. DH usually sleeps very well, like to sleep the clock around, and I love it. But once in a while he'll refuse to go to bed at the usual time, and then not want to go to bed at my bedtime either, or get up in the middle of the night and think it's time to get up. Fortunately not often.
    I just stay in bed and pretend to be sleeping. Sometimes I do go to sleep. He can't get out of the house and usually doesn't get into misschief, just sits around staring.
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    This is so sad... Lynn did this as well... he would repeat over and over that something was really really wrong with him, or that he was going to die... he was agitated and anxious. It was so hard to see. The only thing I was able to do for him is our old stand by, distraction, distraction. It always worked, sometimes it just took longer than others. Until you can talk with your doctor the best you can do is soothe him, reassure him, and distract him. Lynn was much easier to distract once I was able to calm him down. I hope your doctor is able to help him through this transition. ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorAudrey
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    Thanks, Charlotte, Jeanette and Nikki. I appreciate the feedback. I do try to distract him as much as possible. As Jeanette mentioned, most of the time DH sleeps...a lot! It has just been recently that this has happened. I will be speaking with the neuro on Monday and see what can be done. I believe if he gets some good sound sleep he'll be much better...and so will I!! LOL!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2010
    you may want to call the pharmacy you deal with i think you can up the dose of melatonin if needed but ask the pharmacist ifyou have given it to him before. lets not forget fullmoon is coming next week. it can play havoc on our spouses believe it or not. many of us see extended nites of aggitation and non sleeping up /down patterns. more than usual. you cant function long without proper hrs of sleep so hope the neuro can offer some help to give you some rest.