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    I'm curious about observations others have made.
    J's very bad day may be evidence of a new baseline. He has, after all, had a number of off-days in the past month. Today was just particularly bad, and featured such malfunctions as heading the wrong way for the bathroom, being completely unable to figure out how to stand a glass up on a shelf, and attempting to get into a car which bears no resemblance to ours when I was right in plain view opening the driver's side door to our car. He's also been extraordinarily dozy and bewildered looking.
    He is a bit stuffy and seems to have the cold our student teacher daughter brought home, courtesy of her 4th graders.

    Have others found that function tends to be drastically impaired by the presence of a cold, or should I be anticipating a new low set-point?
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2010
    I noticed any illness would cause a decline of some sort.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2010
    Also the Full Moon
    I'll be interested to see what happens. I have a bad cold now, which I am sure I will pass on to my wife. Then I will see how it affects her. So far I've had to cancel Bible Study, Rotary, dentist appointment for both of us, orthopedic appointment for me, and my work in the free clinic. I hope I am up to going to church on Sunday (Easter). I did manage to get to the signing for putting some of our land in a conservation easement. In order to get the tax break this year we had to do it by April 1.