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    Oh Susan, my heart breaks for you and your family. Be strong.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    Having been out of town for 5 days, I'm just "catching up." What a blessing you had a peaceful time w/Jim in God's creation as his earthly life drew to a close. May you feel His love and peace in the days ahead.
    Jim's full obituary can be found at and you can leave condolences there. The funeral was this morning.
    • CommentAuthorterry*
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2010
    I've been out of touch and am so sorry to learn of Jim's death Susan. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
    Thanks, Vickie.
    • CommentAuthorbeachgirl
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
    I am so sorry that your husband has passed away. Thought and prayers are with you during this difficult time!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
    Well we are back at home. It feels so empty even with all of us here. I miss Jim sooo much. I hurt, I truly hurt, I feel physically sick. I was told that the pain doesn't lessen, you just get used to it. Is that really true?? I just feel so lost, so empty. I need some time to just rest. Thank you all for all you support. Love you all, S
    Susan, I think if you let it the pain does lessen and you will start enjoying remembering the good times between you. I think the key here is "let it".
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
    Susan, I am sorry that someone told you that. Initially it is very difficult, and you are experiencing intense feelings of grief. That is normal, expecially considering the relationship you had with Jim. Over time you WILL feel better, it just takes time. ♥ Hang in there and rest is good for you at this time.
    Susan, I am still in your shoes. Its been almost 6 weeks and I still feel a heavy emotional fatique. Coming home to the empty house has been hard, but driving home from my Mom and Dads is the hardest 10 minute drive ever. I always had Rob with me. And he was always pointing at the entrance where we live to show me he knew where we lived. Its hard walking up the stairs that used to take so long to get him up and down. I am beginning to remember more of the good memories, even catch myself chuckling once in a while at something. You need rest, just as my Dad told me today that I still need to be resting more. I try to fill my day with banter, even though some of the things seem rediculious, keeping busy keeps me in check. I am sure this pain will ease for us and that God will continue to walking us through the journey ahead of us. I was always told I would feel better when I didn't have all the worry of Rob's care on my shoulders, I don't feel better, there still so much to do to move past this. I am still so young, yet I feel twice my age. But as much as it hurts not to have Jim with you, remember how much better off Jim is now, hes not leaving you alone. Hes in a better place to watch over you now just as Rob and all the others we have lost here. And I understand how it feels at our young ages, we weren't ready to be left this soon. My prayers are with you! Take care of yourself now Susan.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2010
    Thank you all, once again, I don't know what I'd do or where I'd be without you, my dearest family.
    Dear's different for each one of us...for me, it being 3 months next weekend, I still feel the same as far as the feeling of being lost and empty. With time, you get more used to it, like beating your head against the wall...if you do it long enough, you get used to it, if you don't pass out first. I was going to go to he gym this afternoon, but when it came time to go, I just didn't feel like it. Life is like that now, 'cause I just do what I feel like doing, and nothing more. And most of the time, I don't feel like doing anything. Just vegetating and watching TV, as crummy as that is these days. Going to church each Sunday just reminds me of how alone I am, regardless of the friends there. I could go on, but why bother? It's just the pits, that's all. Hopefully some day the good Lord will rescue me, and give me a life.
    Hey TJ....If you don't get a life soon, you can have mine,.... and I will send you bus tickets....
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2010
    OK, Joe, time to get up and out and volunteer somewhere! Go to your nearest hospital and volunteer to escort visitors, rock babies, deliver flowers! Go to an elementary school and volunteer to help the little ones with math, read stories, go to the library and offer to read during a children's story hour. Anything, but do something! You CANNOT just sit and wait to DIE! Unfortunately for all of us it just doesn't work that way. Sorry, bud, now get going!
    Susan, this is about YOU, not me...I wanted to tell you how it is with me, to try to say that no matter how you feel now, time will change it at some point, so hold on to that. I didn't mean why bother about life, I meant why bother about going on, describing how it was all affecting understand now? You are the one that needs support at this is so recent. I'm just waiting for that 'time healing' to take hold, however long that may take. We both have to believe that life is worth living because of the wonderful things that may be coming our way, but we may have to wait a while for that to happen, and just keep hanging on. No feelings hurt...I love you too.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
    Thanks Joe, arms around, Susan