DH has gone on all week about getting his hair cut today (Friday). I just went to wake him up and asked him if he was going to the barbers and he said "No are you going to church". I said again the barbers and he wanted a hair cut and he asked if I was going. I told him I don't go to the barber shop so he said "forget it" and turned over to go back to sleep!!!! I know he will wake up after a while and want go and get his hair cut. If he would go later in the day it would be easier but he always has to be there when they open at 8.00am so he doesn't have to wait.
Jean, it may be time to stop ASKING and start saying "you asked me to get you up to go to the barbers" and see if that might work....just a thought. I stopped ASKING my husband when he reached age 5...about a year ago.
Mary, DH has decided to get his hair cut on Monday morning so I will try your suggestion. I should have thought of that myself because very often if I just tell him this is what we are doing he goes along with it. I think my brain is in a fog sometimes, because I am always tired....I wake up at least twice through the night. This morning it was 4.20 and I know it was after 5.00 when I dropped off and the alarm went at 6.00. We don't have to go anywhere tomorrow so maybe I can sleep a bit longer. I HOPE!
Hi. Went through exactly the same thing. I finally stopped asking him anything. I just tell him we have a dentist appointment, or doctor appointment and I'll lay out his clothes and say--"Come on. Time to get ready to go."
He always says he doesn't want to go and I agree that I don't either, but we have to keep the appointment. Then it's easier to convince him and he goes without too much trouble. :)
I see this coming too. I 'll DH if he is hungry and would he like dinner now or a little later..The answer is always the same now..whenever YOU are ready..he seems to not want to make a choice about when or what he might like of two things I might suggest. My troubles are not nearly so complicated as many here but non the less I still get really tired and like Jean21 said, I wake up at 4.20 and again about 5. Jean maybe we should wave to each other at that time..sigh!
I usually wake up between 3 and 4 and then lay awake for about an hour or so. I finally fall into a deep sleep and the alarm goes off. Makes for a tired day.
Maybe my time zone is different. I am usually up at 3:30 a.m. Usually have a hard time going back to sleep. Finally go back to sleep about the time the alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m.
I often wake at 4:20, too. I think that is the end of the 4 hour REM sleep cycle. In a perfect world we'd get 2 of these cycles - ha! But if I make the mistake of looking at the digital clock - bam! I can never get back to sleep - I lay and worry for the next hour and half until the alarm goes off...
I couldn't wave to anyone at 4.20 because I woke up at 3.00!!!!!!
DH went to bed lastnight before dinner. I went in to wake him up when it was ready...no show so I ate then tried again. Still no show so I just left him in bed. When he did get up just before 8.00pm he was really confused over his pills. I had to tell im about 4 times to take his Aricept and Namenda then he wanted to take his morning pills. I guess he thought it was a new day.
Today he was getting his clothes ready for church tomorrow and asked me what tie would go with the jacket. When I asked which jacket he said the green one. He doesn't have a green jacket! I went to check and the jacket is light blue. Other than that he has been pretty good today but tomorrow is another day and who knows how that will be. He may not even go to church!
This sleep cycle thing is interesting. My DH used to head to bed about 8 since he had to be up early to go to school ( he would have to be up early and out the door by 7) Now he will head back about that same time but now he gets a good 10 hours snooze with a bathroom trip once or twice which wakes me up. I am a light sleeper. I am normally up by 6 so I can get the day going..but some days I wake up really tired and when I do that makes for a not so great day. DH is normally always pleasant but my last raw Irish nerve is inflamed so to speak and I just don't have patience. Right now, it is just about 11 am and he is snoozing in his recliner... He is on Exelon and had to be taken off Namenda. What I have been trying to sort out is what part of this disease is each of these drugs supposed to try to stablize for a time? One for memory and the other for??? Also in the past couple of days he will say he has not felt real chipper but that he doesn't hurt anywhere. Then a couple days ago he said he just doesn't feel strong ( he was an athlete) so this is really something to hear from him.