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    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    I went to the nursing home this evening as usual to give Charlie his dinner. He ate well, as usual, seemed more alert than he has in several days and he even initiated contact, giving me a hug and holding my hand. He then seemed to experience one of his episodes where he appears to be in pain -moaning, holding his head, clawing at his eyes as if he would like to tear then out. After a few minutes of this he drifted off to sleep. I had a most overwhelming urge to load him into the car and bring him home. I pictured myself tucking him into our bed and climbing in beside him. Of course, in my head I pictured him being so glad to be home that he settled down in bed and was the perfect patient and I would be able to take care of him here at home. I KNOW that will not happen, but how I WISH it could.
    I don't understand this either but it seems it may be a feature of the disease. My mom, who had this disease, got to a point where she thought the veins on her hands were blue worms and would pick at them to try to get rid of them. We had to put gloves on her hands. My DH has not developed anything like this and I hope he doesn't.
    I have entertained the idea of moving back to Ohio, and taking DH with me. Only thing stopping me right now is whether I would have to start all over again with Medicaid.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2010
    Aghhh, If only we could buy a crystal ball...........................
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2010
    i do think you have to reapply for medicare and medicaide again if you change states! bummer.
    my brother moved FIL from tx to Az and they had to reapply.
    Yes, you do, but when my Mother was moved from GA to FL, the NH in GA faxed most of the stuff down to the NH in FL, and my sister didn't have to "start from scratch" totally.
    Thanks for the info! I will put that onto my list of things to work on.