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    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    my husband is now at a point where he does not know about urinating and having a BM. When he does have a BM it is so large and compact I have to remove it from the toilet or it will stop it up. Does anyone have a good natural stool softener that is liquid (most are with a laxative or gel caps which my husband cannot swallow)?

    Thanks, Mary
    brindle-old nurses' remedy: 1/3 warm prune jc, 1/3 applesauce and 1/3 bran
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    Ducolax stool softeners are really small gel balls, not caps. Can be hidden in food and swallowed - also come in cheaper store brands.
    • CommentAuthorJane*
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    we had the same problem. Our Doctor placed my husband on Miralax, when Hospice came on the scene they changed it to Senna-S tablets, he takes 4 each day, two morning and two at night. Either will usually do the trick, Miralax is more expensive and I think that is why Hospice made the switch but really it is all the same. Either came be bought at the drug store. The Senna-S is a generic.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    thanks for the comments. even though dulcolax are very small my husband tries to chew them. He doesn't understand about just swallowing. I give him prunes first thing in the morning along with his oatmeal so I believe his fiber is good. Its the softening I have to deal with right now.
    Jane I will check the Senna-S. I also worry about using something for a long period of time that's why I was looking for a food substitute.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    Miralax works like a charm, and it now comes in a generic form.
    • CommentAuthorJane*
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2010
    I also worried about the long term use, I still worry about that, but as time has gone on I had to learn that he has forgotten how to help push and this is just where we are. I guess using the chemical help is better than what would happen otherwise. It is so hard to realize that things are no longer normal for us. I tried the diet, the prunes, the warm prune juice with butter, you name it I tried it. I hate doing these things long term.
    • CommentAuthorBar-bra
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2010
    Brindle ......... have you tried FruitLax ? This is used a lot in nursing homes and care facilities.

    prune nectar 310 mL (1 1/4 cups)
    figs 125 mL (1/2 cup)
    raisins 200 mL (3/4 cup)
    pitted prunes 125 mL (1/2 cup)

    Simmer dates and prune nectar until dates are very soft. Put date mixture in a food
    processor and add figs, raisins and prunes. Blend to a smooth paste. Store in the
    Use on toast, crackers, ice cream etc.
    Yield = 2 cups
    1 tbsp = 45 calories & 1.0 grams of fibre
    *If a thinner product is desired, more prune nectar can be added.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2010
    Try Kiwi. It is soft and can be mashed up or made into a smoothy. My sister uses it daily and used on her hb when he was bedridden to keep him regualar and not get constipated. Doesn't work for me - my system is way different than the norm.
    Talk to your doctor about this problem....the prescription we had was for a product called Lactulose. It was a liquid and worked very well......
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2010
    I've taken Laculose in the hospital, works very quickly and efficiently.
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2010
    We have tried so many things and am back to trying the Miralax. Jane, how many days before you see results. We went from a daily BM to going 3-5 days last time. I give him lots of fluids and fibre and we walk every day. I am going crazy. How does a person have a BM if they don't understand the concept of pushing?
    • CommentAuthorbrindle
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    I contacted the Dr. and he said to bring him in as he may have an obstruction. So this afternoon we saw the nurse practicioner who said to get an x-ray to see if there was a blockage. No blockage just impacted. She recommended the citric drink you take for a bowel exam and duccolax suppositories to get the other end. Some is actually coming out tonight so I hope he will be cleaned out by tomorrow. Poor guy it is so very painful. I have the incontenent pants on and that has been a good thing. So glad we have them and the disposable pads for the bed. Then a liquid diet for a couple of days. Thought you would like to know just in case you also need the help.
    Thank you for all of your help and suggestions.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 4th 2012 edited
    I brought this old topic to the top because I wanted to share a success with you. Due to the narcotic patch and pills Sid is now taking for his multiple pain issues, he has had major BM issues, or lack thereof. Being obsessed with the situation, he was driving me crazy if he didn't go every single day. Anyway, 3 stool softeners at night, AND one ducolax weren't doing the trick. Then I found Walmart's equivalent of Benefiber powder. I make a gallon of Crystal light, which he drinks all of the time. I add one tsp. per 4 oz. = 16 tsp. to the gallon, and we haven't had a problem since. MIRACLE! Also, it is completely undetectible. It makes no change in the taste of the drink. I just have to remember not to serve the Crystal Light to guests or drink it myself.

    • CommentTimeMar 4th 2012
    Forewarned, I'm not coming to your house!
    Recently two people have told me about the benefit of drinking warm prune juice. Seems warming it makes it work better.
    • CommentTimeMar 4th 2012
    We try warm prune juice as a first line of action at the nursing home. Great news about the benefiber Joan, glad it worked for Sid.