I believe that much of this has to do with two things: profit for the hospital/NH (as the article stated for profits had a higher rate) and family members not ready to let go. Family members not ready to let go is probably the number one reason to give a dying person a feeding tube even if the patient did not want it. In some cases the dementia person might have requested it - not for hope, but fear of dying.
Last year at this time, my son and I were faced with the decision as to give permission for a feeding tube or to allow our dear one to do without sustenance. We were spared this decision as my husband suddenly refused to eat and/or drink. He was comfortable and was not suffering pain...in fact he appeared to have the euphoria that is mentioned in the literature. He lay quietly, breathing lightly, until he passed away on Feb. 17th. I urge my fellow caregivers to give serious consideration to the placing of a feeding tube..if your dear one has no chance of living independent of the tube then allow God to take him/her under his guidance and rely upon the natural culnimation of life. I agree that most times the feeding tube is placed in response to the caregiver's wish to keep his loved one alive at any cost.
I think another reason people use feeding tubes is that they have a misconception that death will be more painful if the patient is not receiving nutrition. They don't know that when the patient quits eating it is usually a sign that the body is shutting down and there is no pain.