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    • CommentAuthorLibbySD
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2010

    Never Alone (Jim Brickman w/Lady Antebellum)
    A friend sent me this link. It is appropriate now since Dave is dead, but it would have been helpful the past few years as he was 'leaving.' Since he had corticobasal degeneration, he was 'aware' to the end. There is a lot to be said for a condition where (hopefully) they are no longer aware of losses.

    We had a horrible experience with a hospice service who provided no service or product even...and could not give a decent bed bath. I am writing an article within the next 3 months on what to know about selecting a hospice AND a primary care provider as they play a pivitol role. I was able to find nothing of the sort.

    AND the time to find hospice services is right after you do your wills, POA, etc, NOT when you are ready/almost ready. I'll send my article to Joan when I get it done. My deadline is the next Alz Assn newsletter in 3 months.

    Wishing you all peace in your hearts. You have helped keep me sane.
    Love, Elizabeth (Betsy) Howe aka LibbySD (long story)
    The song made me sad because I am alone
    Hey Bluedaze..You are not got me!!!!!..... Oh... I see what you mean...
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2010

    Thank you for that link. Beautiful song. I think our spouses need to hear it from us - that they will never be alone. We will be there with them until the end.

    Nickleback has a version of that song, too, I think off the 'Dark Horse' album....if you like more rock in your socks. I listened to the lyrics more carefully since you mentioned it (and downloaded your version from i-tunes). For me, instead of thinking of my spouse....relationship gone, shattered years ago.....I think of my "Higher Power" that is always there with ME. Just another manner of relating to the lyrics, in a 'spiritual' sense.
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2010
    Betsy, I love Lady Antebellum but had never heard that song. I think it could become the anthem for a lot of us. I also had a bad experience with a hospice organization with my mother, so at least I know one I will not be choosing should I ever need one for my husband. Thanks for the song link. I hope you are hanging in there.
    Thank you for sharing that~