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    • CommentAuthorColleen
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
    Hello , I am new to this wonderful website. I have been reading alot on this site,everday as a matter of fact. Joan's Blog she mentioned about Sid having morning Confusion. What cause's this?? Or is it part of a stage. My husband was dignosed 2 1/2 years ago, but has been showing signs of Alzheimers for 5 or so years. He really has alot of confusion in the morning, more than throughout the day, and confusion after he has been asleep for a while at night. Gosh I haven't alot of questions about all of this, it's so scary and frightening to watch the love of your life slowing fading away,I agree it's a slow death right before your eyes, daily watching him struggle to do simple things like using the T.V. remote, and others to name a few. He has been on Aricept for 2.5 years now, was on Namenda but had to quit because of bowel movement problems, I really noticed a difference after not taking Namenda. Well I better close for now , so I don't write a book of questions!!!! So if anyone has any idea's on morning confusion, that would be wonderful. Thank-You So Much, Colleen
    I don't understand why the confusion has its more and less severe moments, but it's sure a normal aspect of the illness. Ours is not so much a morning phenomenon. For some reason, it is particularly bad at the end of an airplane flight (even a relatively short one,) and at other time it just surprises me, and appears out of nowhere, for no apparent reason.
    Colleen... Welcome to the best site you could ever find! And never be afraid of writing a book of questions. I have new questions every 5 minutes. I am concerned about your mention of stopping Namenda... you said you noticed a difference after not taking it.... was that a good difference, or was it a negative difference??
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
    My wife is very foggy in the morning. But I think it is from the sleepng pills she takes at night.
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010

    Welcome to this wonderful site. Don't worry about asking too many questions. That's what everyone is here for. My husband has FTD, diagnosed Aug. 2008.
    Coleen, my DH was diagnosed 2 years ago but has had symptoms for almost 6 years. There would be episodes of confusion or forgetfulness but they would be brief so I would think he was ok. He improved a lot after starting Aricept and Namenda and even more after being on Axona for several months but he seems more confused after sleeping, not necessarily in the morning, but after naps in the day time or if he wakes up in the night after being asleep for a while. Several nights ago, he got up around 2:00 AM to use the bathroom and when he came back to bed, he asked me what country we were in. Next morning he was fine. Strange disease.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
    My husband just asked me "How long have we lived in this house. Do we own it?" He was diagnosed almost a year and a half ago. Some days he seems very sharp, other than things that happened that morning or yesterday... But, tonight he seems a little confused. Yes, it's strange.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010

    Welcome to my website. Generally you hear of "sundowning", which is restlessness and confusion in the evening, but Sid is definitely more foggy and confused in the morning. Often he just doesn't seem to know how to get himself going. He always wakes up saying "What are we doing today?", regardless of the fact that I told him the night before (3 times). I sometimes think it's because he has his pills with breakfast, and until they kick in, he's just confused. Other days, he's okay. I never know what to expect.

    You have come to a place of comfort for spouses who are trying to cope with the Alzheimer's/dementia of their husband/wife. The issues we face in dealing with a spouse with this disease are so different from the issues faced by children and grandchildren caregivers. We discuss all of those issues here - loss of intimacy; social contact; conversation; anger; resentment; stress; and pain of living with the stranger that Alzheimer's Disease has put in place of our beloved spouse.

    The message boards are only part of this website. Please be sure to log onto the home page - - and read all of the resources on the left side. I recommend starting with "Newly Diagnosed/New Member" and "Understanding the Dementia Experience". There are 4 sections for EOAD members - two of which focus on the young teens whose parents have EOAD (early onset AD). There is a great new section on informative videos, and another excellent resource - Early Onset Dementia - A Practical Guide.

    Do not miss the "previous blog" section. It is there you will find a huge array of topics with which you can relate. There is a new "search" feature on the home page that allows you to look up different topics that may have been explored in a previous blog. Log onto the home page daily for new blogs; news updates; important information.

    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
    Colleen,my husband was diagonsed 2years ago but was denied long term care insurance in 2002 because of his memory.He also always asks first ting in the morning"What do have to do today"He is better in the morning,after lunch goes down hill.He is on aricept,namenda,zoloft and will be starting on Axona next week.The neurologist said if the Axona is not helping within a month,stop it.I asked him about the MCT oil,he never heard of it but said try it since there is nothing else he can offer us at this time.Any adcive on the MCT oil?
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
    G was often very foggy in the morning. Just two weeks ago his PCP changed meds so he is on 100mg of Seroquel timed release at night, and the foggy morning shot has really improved. We'll see how it works in the long run. He was getting aggressive again, and that hasn't happened again since the change, but one never knows.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    Welcome, Colleen, to a most helpful, friendly-peopled site. You can never ask too many questions; repeat ones are fine, too. yhouniey, if you go to the top of this screen, you'll see "search." Click it and type MCT in the search block. Click on Topic or comments, and you'll find input/advice by others who've used it or are using it--I think. I haven't searched for that particular subject, but I know there are discussions about it.
    • CommentAuthorjoyce43*
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    Mornings were always the best for us. When DH become tired, he also become more confused and agitated. During the last year when hospice was coming in, I always told the aide if they couldn't be here before noon not to even come because there was no way he would cooperate or let them do anything.
    I always enjoyed our mornings even though he didn't know me, he would listen and be more content.
    • CommentAuthorSusanB
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    Hi Colleen, welcome to this wonderful site. My husband gets more confused in the evening and is usually better in the am. Have no idea why this is but confusion is definitely part of the disease. As others have suggested, search past threads here and Joans previous blogs. You'll find some great advice.
    Hi Colleen and a warm welcome to you. My DH gets more confused as the day wears on. Mornings are usually pretty good and I can leave him for 1-2 hours and he's okay. Afternoons, I cannot. By evening, he is very confused. I guess this is just part of it.
    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    It seems like my DH is confused at all times. Last night we were going to friends for dinner. I had told him about it at least five times yesterday afternoon. After we were on our way, he asked, where are we going.. I can tell him at night that we have to go someplace in the morning and when the alarm goes off, he asks, why do we have to get up, where are we going. If he does not want to go somewhere, I say fine, but I am going anyway. That will motivate him to come with me. He has a hard time being apart from me, even if I am in another room. It is hard for me to go anywhere without him.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    Welcome, Colleeen! My wife, age 63 and diagnosed last year after displaying symptoms for 3 years before that, also has daily morning 'brain fog' that on some days continues throughout the entire day and on other days not. Mornings are definitely the worst, though. However, lately she has started waking up after sleeping about an hour telling me she forgot to take her meds. I tell her she has, she tells me she hasn't, I assure she has, and she falls back asleep. This has been going on most nights for the past 2 weeks ... something new!

    Anyway, as others have indicated, you have come to a wonderful site. Until I found this one, I was thinking about starting my own site but Joan hits all the areas I would have considered, and then some, and there is no way I could produce something even half as good as this. All the many contributors make it definitely one of the most informative sites available to people in our situation. I have also contacted people at their own email addresses to follow up on postings and have found this very helpful as well. Come back often and be sure to check the other message boards and other respources on the home page for helpful information!
    • CommentAuthornoahcam
    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2010
    My DH is often very confused in the mornings especially. This morning he woke me up early to say he wanted the car keys to go live with his mother. He has not driven in 6 years, and his mother died 44 years ago. Basically he wants to go 'home'. He does not realize that this has been our home for over two years. He cannot remember which floor we are on, but he thinks he can drive ten miles.

    This is the way of dementia. I may have to have him placed soon. I have to watch him 60 minutes of every hour, 24 hours of every day.
    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2010
    noahcam, I know just how you are feeling. Sounds like what I was going thru. I just placed my DH a week and a half ago. I cried a lot the first week. He's nearby so I've been going to visit every day. Hard part is when I leave. He always wants to go with me.
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2010 edited
    My DH is often confused in the evenings -- I think he is tired. When he starts in about going "home" or where are "all those people" who were here today (we had one couple in to visit, old friends) I know it's bedtime.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2014
    ttt for Dazed
    Thanks Divvi for bringing up this old thread. I was surprised to see my comment about confusion from 4 years ago!!! Gosh, I've been at this thing a long, long time. Can you find the thread for me about being hard to wake up? I was scared yesterday when he was napping. I went in and told him lunch was ready. He didn't respond. I touched his leg and told him again. Still no response. I patted his face and he still didn't wake up. I thought something had happened to him so I shook him and he finally gradually responded but was confused and had trouble walking.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2014 edited
    sorry Dazed, it was LFL:) who found this thread for you. !
    I did find another about sleeping which may add some added thoughts for you. yes they go thru a phase where they tend to sleep a lot more and very hard at times. and just like us who get very exhausted doing and tending to them all day, they can be just as tired with what gets them thru the day. I think we may have had a full moon last day or so too. mine has slept all day after being up all night clapping his hands:) a one man party!

    it may be induced by the meds as well I would think. their metabolism slows down and sometimes the kidneys don't eliminate as well esp if they get dehydrated so it could intensify medications build up if they aren't eliminating well. but that's just my own opinion.
    could be a sign too of infection or uti. the famous one we preach all day about. it never hurts to check him out if it continues.
    Thanks, LFL. Sorry I gave the credit to divvi. :-) I appreciate your help and have been reading the threads you and divvi have brought to the top for me. I'm convinced now that DH is just declining more and needs more sleep...and maybe a deeper sleep. Just wish he would sleep all night.
    Colleen, I always believed it just took longer for their brains to "engage" in the mornings after they woke. Ultimately I think Lloyd's being out of it in the mornings had to do with the sleeping medication the night before...kind of like jet lag. It did subside after I eliminated the sleeping pills.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2014
    Linda is correct. Various sleeping aids can make it difficult to get going in the morning.
    Why, thank you, Paul.