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    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2010 edited
    Here is an article on this topic
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2010
    I just read it. Does that give us permission to tape a cell phone to their heads for a couple hours a day? I wonder if the emissions from power lines would work? We are parked right next to them?

    It will be interesting to see where this research goes to. Would be amazing if a treatment altogether different than drugs would work.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2010
    If you prefer not to copy and paste, the direct link is under today's Breaking News section on the home page -

    I heard that this morning on the radio. That was my first reaction too...Jeff, how would you like to wear my iPhone as a hat? He didn't want to.
    I just reread this article and did a bit more research...
    After duct taping 3 cell phones to my dw's head for the past 9 months, here are the results.
    1. cell phone charges of $862.41 to 3 different carriers.
    2. Duct tape is impossible to remove...
    3. Two job offers for my dw in a call center in India.
    4. 10,498 voice messages.
    5. 8,239 text messages
    6. 0 outgoing calls.
    7. My dw now picks up her pillow when the phone rings, and says hello.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010
    Frank, The pillow probably provides more enlightened conversation than most people :)

    My husband, a salesman, has had a cell phone virtually attached to his head, since they first came on the market. He had one of the first cell phones - not the ones that had an accompanying suitcase - but the next generation which almost took two hands to hold it, it was so large.

    Thank God. I guess without all that cell phone radiation he would have had Alzheimer's at 26 years old! I'm glad he had a device that kept it at bay for 30 years :)