Joel has been working on the website from home in San Francisco, and he just tried out a new search engine. I will install it either tonight or tomorrow. Be sure to log onto the home page - - and look for it at the top of the left side. It will make finding what you are looking for sooooooo much easier.
For example, if you want to read a blog about loneliness, you type in loneliness, and a list of topics comes up from which you can choose.
Two new features are now available. The "previous blog" section is divided into years and months, and there is now a "search" engine on the home page - - located just under "Previous Blogs" on the left side. It makes it easier to search for previous blogs topics. If you're looking for blogs on anger, just type in anger, and a list of links will pop up. Some of the older blogs will take a long time to load, because I haven't updated the ad links, but if you are patient, they will load.
While Sid is on the monthly casino trip today, I am busy working here uninterrupted, so hopefully, I may even get a bit caught up on the 37 pages of e-mails.