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    So I'm back from a four day break and it went well. I was not confident in the situation when I dropped my DH off at the nursing home and cried like someone had died after leaving the facility without him that first day. He was agitated and confused but layed down on the bed to nap and I promised to come back for him and left. Three days later when I came back to pick him up he was sitting at a table in the eating room with three other men and recognized me but was not angry or agitated OR ready to go home.
    Nursing home for 3 1/2 days.......$563.00
    Kennel for dog.........................$60.00
    Drugs at nursing home bill still to come...?
    2 hour drive both ways.......................?
    A much needed rest for me and the knowledge that when and if I place him permanently he will be fine..........PRICELESS!
    Good for you, jules, glad things went so well.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2009
    Glad it all worked out.
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2009
    Wonderful news!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2009
    jules, how nice that all went as planned and your DH survived it and you are rested!
    good for you. price is most definately worth it.
    • CommentAuthorRB13*
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2009
    jules, that was good to hear...I am getting closer to placing my DH..very hard to do...but your comment helped, I think once they are in a facilitiy, they adjust, maybe better then we do.....
    RB13, I'm glad that gives you some hope. I'm re-evaluating my situation and whether I'm keeping him home at this point for me or him. I'm sure they adjust better than we do, we can still remember and realize what is happening very acutely but they, for the most part, don't have that emotional pain to deal with. At least my husband doesn't, I should say. My next plan is to try it for another week here in the future and see if it was a fluke or he really enjoys the more structured and safe environment of the home.
    I look forward to hearing how things go for you. Thanks all for the good vibes!