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    • CommentAuthorpatsy
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2009
    For the last two nights my DH woke up around 3 AM and was unable to get "settled" again. Last night he said he heard trucks in the distance which is possible, and that he wanted to take care of me. He takes melatonin at night and usually goes to sleep around 8:30 with no problems. Anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions on what to do?
    And one other thing he did yesterday when he got up. He informed me I could have everything we owned and he was leaving. No, he didn't want coffee. No, he didn't want breakfast. This is totally unlike him. Help! Thanks.
    patsy sounds like a trip to your husband's doc for a med adjustment. Sometimes a mood elevator works wonders. If your husband is aware of his condition he could be deeply depressed.
    • CommentAuthorpatsy
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2009
    I think the problems may come from the Dimebon. DH had shown no signs of the side effects originally but after reading the list again, I think this may be it. "Interruped sleep" and "irritability" were both listed. I've emailed the doctor doing the clinical trial and asked him. He suggested giving a little more melatonin for a couple of nights and see what happens. I thought any side effect would probably show up in the initial period when he was actually on the Dimebon. It sure made him sleepy during the day for the first week or so....if only it would work that way at night!!
    • CommentAuthorDianeT*
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2009
    I have the same problems here as well. My husband wonders most of the night. When he wonders, I can't sleep very well. We are going on our 3rd perscription for sleeping. The previous 2 don't work.
    patsy-dimebon is actually an old anti histamine. Can you give it to your husband at bed time.
    Bluedaze there are many times that my dh can't sleep. This was even before he began taking Aricept or anything else. To this day he still gets where he can't seem to wind down enough to sleep until late in the a.m. hours. So far this is not much of a problem because he stays in the house and either watches t.v. or plays on the computer. He says his brain won't slow down or stop the thinking going on. He says that even tho he has a memory problem he also has too much on his mind that prevents him from sleeping or relaxing. It seems that my dh gets his best sleep during the evening after lunch. I know this sometimes interrupts his night time sleep, but since our schedule is very flexible, we sleep when he can if you know what I mean. I am not so sure it is medication of any kind as much as the brain problems.
    Nora good health food stores carry a line of Bach floral essences. One of them is White Chestnut. Encourages a peaceful and calm mind when thoughts and worries go round and round in your head. That product and their Rescue Remedy got me through some real rough spots. Many of my nurse friends also use their products. You can Google for info. Let me know if you have trouble getting a resource.
    Thanks for the info. I will try to find this.
    • CommentAuthortrisinger
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2009
    I so remember this. Andrea wandered at night for years. I didn't get a full night's sleep for months on end. It wore me out. My daughter finally put a baby gate on the hallway, so Andrea could get to the bathroom and back, but not go anywhere else. We were afraid she'd turn on the stove or something.

    One time, she went FIVE DAYS without sleep. Oh, yes, there were meds. All sorts of them. None worked. She'd just lie there on the bed, eyes wide open, or sit on the edge of the bed, for hours. Or wander.

    • CommentAuthorpatsy
    • CommentTimeNov 12th 2009
    bluedaze, the Dimebon is administered strictly by guidelines dictated by the study. DH is in the "off label" stage and he has a 20 mg. pill 3x a day. His last pill of the day is usually around 6. I've upped his melatonin and we'll see if he sleeps better tonight. (My fingers are crossed!) LOL!
    Thanks, Patsy for the update. You are fortunate to have gotten into the study. Too late for my husband. I wish you both good outcome.
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2009 edited
    Trisinger, what an ordeal, I've been told that it's often a lack of sleep that forces caregivers to place their LO's. We have not had this problem so far, once in a while DH wakes up far too early and refuses to go back to bed, but only once since he's on Risperdal and that was at our son's house.
    • CommentAuthorpatsy
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2009
    Thanks y'all for all the suggestions/support. I upped the melatonin and he slept like a baby all night. (I did also!)

    bluedaze, we were very fortunate to get into the study and I am hoping and praying that this medication is what DH needs. I also hope and pray that it will be available to all soon. If it doesn't help my husband, it may be the right thing for someone.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2012
    DH has started not sleeping at night until 3-4 am. After he goes to bed, he gets up rummages through all the drawers, throws things on the floor or packs a small tote bag (not sure where he's planning on going). Last night he got up, went to the bathroom and put all the toiletries, a small flashlight and god knows what else in the toilet. Thank god he didn't flush it! I have no idea what would have happened, besides a clogged toilet!

    He's taking 100 mgs of seroquel at night and 1.0mg of clonazapan around 7 pm to help calm him down. I've been giving him 5 mgs of melatonin and nothing seems to work. Not even the Lunesta (3 mgs) the dr prescribed. Any recommendations? I think it's time for a med adjustment and have a call into the dr, but thought someone here might have another suggestion.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2012
    I think Lunesta and Ambien can cause sleep walking....
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2012
    LFL,my DH also doesn't go to sleep until 3-4 am.Goes thru all the drawers and also packs a bunch of stuff into a shirt and ties it shut with the arms.Hasn't put things in the toilet yet,but just this week has started to put stuff in the trash.His Dr. just gave me a prescription for rimadyl.Haven't gotten it filled yet. Does anyone know if this works good?
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2012 edited
    uh yhouniey, are you SURE that script is for Rimadyl?? and not reminyl?? i ask because rimadyl is a med used for exclusively pets for some years now since Pfeizer pulled its human consumption some time ago. ????? i give my pet the rimadyl and know others who also use for their pets for arthritic and joint pain. please check that rx again! grin and if it is for rimadyl call that dr back!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2012
    A combo of 1 hour rigorous exercise combined with NO cat naps and 5 mg of melatonin at 8 pm + his other meds worked last night. Heard from dr today and he said that klonopin sometimes works as an unihibitor so we are cutting down on the klonopin and adding 50 mgs og Trazadone. Hope that helps.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2012
    Sorry Divvi, it was Risperdal(not sure of the spelling)I did get it and it wired him that he did not sleep at all. Tried it 3 days, what a time,gave it up. I will ask her for something else.He takes Naproxen on a daily basis for his back and I know that wires me so I will try not to give him his evening dose and see if it helps.Just afew months ago he was sleeping 11 hours plus dozing off in the daytime,there was no change in meds when the not sleeping started.