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    When they get to the Tim the toolman Taylor phase, you have to put dead bolts on the doors and hide the tools!!! <grin>
    My dh has been telling me he is going to fix the electric fence around the garden. It is working fine. So far, I have been able to distract
    him. A month before local strawberries came in he drove me crazy wanting strawberrys, Then we got local strawberries and he immediately
    started on peaches but he doesn't like the white ones that are available now. Last week he started wanting to go to a local farmers
    house and buy some corn. Corn won't be local for at least 2 weeks.
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009 edited
    I know I don't have it anywhere near has bad as a lot of people here but sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with my husband. He can still do all his ADLs but cannot do anything else. He is constantly repeating himself and has many obsessive behaviors. It drives me crazy at times and I do yell at him at times and then the guilt sets in.

    I had my husband's family over for dinner to celebrate his 60th birthday last Saturday and my sister-in-law told me that if I ever wanted to go to Las Vegas with her to let me know because she gets free hotel rooms. Well, my husband is not so bad that I could place him in respite for a few days and I have no one who can watch him for a couple of days either. My SIL husband's (he is my husband's brother) works everyday so he can't watch him, my daughter works full time and is in school full time and my son is out of the country. This invite actually made me feel more anxious because I can't take advantage of it.

    My doctor has upped my anti-depressants and gave me ambien for sleep. I don't know what else to do. My parent's help an awful lot but how much can you ask of 73 year old parents, especially if he is not their son?

    Sorry for the rant but I have no one else to talk to. This just makes me feel better to say it out loud. Thanks.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009
    deb, could you have family close to you take turns checking on him if you went to vegas say 2 nites? or hire someone during the day and have family come at nite to stay with him?

    if you are thinking of respite then you need it. 2nites isnt so long. try to work something out now while hes not so bad. as they progress then its really difficult to have someone stay with them and care for their personal issues. take advantage of the free rooms:) nothing is impossible when yo set your mind to it.
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2009

    I will try to figure this out within the next couple of months. The SIL who offered to go to Vegas with me is actually the only one who truly understands what I am going through. She recently lost her mother to vascular dementia. I will have to suck it up and ask for help from his family. Maybe this will happen. I just tend to ask my family for help and not his.