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    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    I would really like some advice:
    Dh gets blood checked every three months for diabetes, and he is supposed to fast for 12 hours before the tap. So I always sent him off without breakfast but also without his morning meds, main reason being that some of them are supposed to be taken with food.
    It never was an issue before but this morning it was pretty hard to get him over there without his morning Risperdal. (You've got to realize that he has NEVER had diabetes, NEVER had to have his blood checked before, this is so ridiculous!) So I asked the nurse if the fasting also meant no meds and she said, No, it was ok to take the meds. Even Risperdal.
    But I wonder if she really knows (since a possible side effect of Risperdal is heightened blood sugar).
    Anybody else have a take on this?
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    Jeanette, I am on 2 different BP meds, cholesterol, Fosomax, low dose aspirin and Prempro. I have always been told to take my meds with a "sip" of water before any tests including blood. I just can't have coffee if I use cream in it, which I do so I have to control myself until after the test. LOL
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    I've been told it does not matter if you do a fasting blood test with or without meds. And it also does not matter how much water you take with them. Just no coffee with sugar and milk/cream and no orange juice (which is what my husband normally takes his meds with. It is important that you don't go without water, especially if you are a hard stick, unless you've been told not to drink for some specific test.

    I don't know what the Fosomax and Prempro are for, so it is possible that Jean has specific instructions for her case, but I've been specifically told that I HAVE to have drunk some water to make my own blood tests possible. When I can't drink for a surgery they have a terrible time getting the needles into me.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    Starling, Fosomax are for Osteoporosis, I went on Prempro when I was having hot flashes about 30 years ago! I wouldn't do without them. If I miss one day I start with the hot flashes. So far I haven't had any problems and unless my doctor tells me to quit I will take them forever. LOL. As for the "sip" of water there is no way I can take that many pills with just a sip.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    I have always been told to take the meds with a little water, otherwise fasting.

    Had an issue for years with DH. Had to have periodic fasting tests to check a med level, and later to check his electrolytes. He NEVER 'got' the fasting concept. No matter how hard I tried he'd get in his coffee with a drop of milk.
    Talked it over with the Dr. and the resolution was to get him in at the same time of day each time(8-8:30 a.m.) so he was in the same place regarding intake. Results were comparable.

    It pays to ask, and to consult when this can be an issue.
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009 edited

    Could you buy a blood sugar monitor and check his fasting blood sugar at home? It's easy to do. Although the home monitors are not as accurate as what they do at the doctor's office, maybe it would be good enough if he doesn't have diabetes.
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    Jean, if they have no trouble getting blood that is great. If they do have trouble ask about that "sip" of water thing.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    The last time I had a blood test I asked about the butterfly. If I'm not mistaken you were the one that told me about it Starling. That's what was used and it was a piece of cake! Every other time they have had a hard time drawing the blood or my vein rolled out of the way. I have to admit my veins are not very easy to find.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    Jean.. don't go off your prempro!! I was on premarin from 1986 to the first of this year. Low dose, the doctor said I didn't need to go off but I thought it was ridiculous to be in my 70s and still taking premarin. NOT!! I have had serious hot flashes ever since, especially in hot or changeable weather. Really almost debilitating, wake me up, etc. I'm taking the herbal stuff but it doesn't help much. Aargh!
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    briegull, The prempro is 0.625/2mg. I tried not taking them and suffered the same fate as you! I cannot stand the hot flashes. When I was going through them I carried a fan in my bag and I dare not wear a silky blouse. BTW I am 70!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    In this new book I am reading, 'The Alzheimer Action Plan', the author talks about different hormones that are helpful and not helpful. On premarin : The estrogen drug Premarin actually increased women's risk for memory problems.....
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2009
    well, I tellya, Charlotte: there are times when I'd risk it! Once I see DH through all this, everyone else can take care of themselves. It doesn't look to me like most PATIENTS have a great deal of distress so if I get dementia, who cares!

    I swear, you look at the side effects of ANYthing and they're terrible. It's like the old saw that smoking pot leads to heroin because most who use heroin once smoked pot. They also drank milk and ate cereal. EVERYthing either has real consequences or are false antecedents.
    Every time I have my heart tests, I have fasting blood work. I take 9 pills every morning,and they say it's okay to take the meds..with about 4-5 ounces of water. I can do that easily. When I don't drink enough water, my BP is very low and they give me a little 6 oz. bottle of water to drink. I do not believe (?) that ONE resperadol will raise blood sugar's taken into account.