One excerpt I found on the web: "In one study, Alzheimer's patients experienced cognitive improvements after receiving only 100 milligrams of PS for three months, while another study demonstrated that 400 milligrams of PS per day led to short-term neurological and psychological improvements in people with Alzheimer's."
I heard about from a report on a man who was diagnosed with AD, could not drive any longer, short term memory was gone and affecting long term, couldn't remember what town he was in, how to get to places, etc. Here is an excerpt: Phophatidylserine boosts the brain by increasing the movement of nutrition into and the waste out of nerve cells. In several European countries, doctors prescribe PS for dementia and depression in the elderly. Nita began giving Bill three PS capsules — that’s 300 milligrams a day. Two months later his mind started showing evidence of clarity. Bill remembers, “Things started kind of clearing up in my mind, you know, when she’d say, ‘Well, you know, we’re going to have breakfast,’ the thought was, ‘Well, we need cereal bowls,’ or ‘We need milk,’ or whatever it was that we needed. And I just kind of got up and started doing those things.” His improvement continued — especially as they added other brain boosters like coenzyme Q10, carnitine, and magnesium. Within a year after starting PS, Bill was back driving their van around town and eventually on highways back to visit in the Washington DC area.
My hb takes all the above except the Phosphatidylserine PS. From my research at first it was made from bovine cortex which was stopped due to fear of passing 'mad cow disease' on to people. They have now developed a way to produce if from soy and cabbage. The Phos. BC did show great promise with AD patients. The Phos. PS has shown some, depending on the study. I researched it and it says it could interact with AD drugs. I debating whether to try it anyway. Afterall, his neuro said if I found something I wanted to try - go for it.
My thoughts on reading her story where she cut out carbs is: in his case it could be a diabetes type 3. The other is that he really did not have AD but some other induced dementia even though doctors had ruled out all other causes. Or it could have been an answer to their prayer.
One of the supplements that my husband is on contains 100mg of PS. He has been using this supplement for maybe 6-7 years. Has it done any good? Who knows. So far the only thing that I have found to be of any help is the MCT/coconut oil.