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    I just responded to Deb about what she had said her mother carried in her purse, and when I started listing what I carry in mine, I thought "that would make a fun topic!" so here is what I said:

    "(only I have Tylenol instead of aspirin, and a small 3 oz bottle of hand lotion, and hand wipes in the purse size, a fingernail file, a mini flashlight, pen and pad set, a 3"x3"x1/8" vinyl piece that zips open to a 15"x12" bag with handles to carry stuff I buy! It was a gift, and one that I love!)" Of course, that is on top of the wallet, two check books, sunglasses, and cell phone! (and mini first aid kit and sewing kit) LOL
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    I don't CARRY a purse. I wear pants, slip in a thin european-style wallet with maybe half a dozen cards (one credit card, one debit card, the med cards, AAA card), a keychain with 2 keys, and a little cellphone if I'm going to be gone while the CNA is there. Sunglasses stay in the car when I get out. Lipstick too. Kleenex live in the car and an umbrella, and grocery tote bags which migrate back and forth.
    I carry a .38 for anyone who makes fun of me carrying a purse. lol
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009 edited
    TJ, of course you carry a gun. Don't all Texans carry a gun? (-:

    briegull, I'm with you. My shoulders don't like it if I haul a heavy purse around. I have a very small, thin case with a credit card, library card, insurance card, small amount of cash. It fits in my pocket, my cell phone fits in my other pocket, and I'm good to go. I believe in travelling light. (-:
    Cell phone when I remember, lip balm. eye drops, hand sanitizer, dried up pens and hand wipes-never work when you need them, wallet and credit card, drivers' license, keys with small flashlight, a few family pictures and some nasty looking kleenex. Things I have taken out of my purse are my SS and MC cards.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    my purses are considered small trunks:) i carry an epipen for my grandaughters peanut allergies just in case- 2 checkbooks/wallet/all id cards mine and DH/ insur card/ lipstick/100 cash stashed for mad money that i hide so well even i cant find sometimes:) cell phone/keys/candy bar for DH just in case/and probably something else i am forgetting at the moment!
    Wallet with all id, visa, debit cards, checkbook, insurance cards,medicare, etc., lipstick, and like divvi, $100 stashed where I can't find it; cell phone, keys, fingernail file, comb - I think that's it!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    OK, lets see, my wallet, a small hairbrush, lipstick, lipbalm, legal papers for Jim, and the boys, debit card, checkbook, pictures of the family, car keys, hand lotion, sunglasses, tylenol, extra meds for the boys and me, a small notebook, (which is like my braine) cell phone is always in my pocket. I guess that's enough :o) Oh, I carry a small LLBean Backpack instead of a purse, its easier on my shoulders!
    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    My purse is a “caregiver” purse. It has DH’s out-of-hospital DNR, his list of meds, medical history, and emergency contact information. If I took all that out, I’d have room for the paperback book I’d like to be reading.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    Now THAT is a GOOD idea, Jan, sorta like we used to make up a kit to take to the hospital when we were pregnant. I'll do that! And throw in a paperback so *I* can be diverted.
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009 edited
    I carry a purse inside of a bigger purse LOL. In the small one is just the cards, money, epipen for nephew , sugar tabs for my diabetic niece, the restraining order against their father and my 357 ruger in case he decides to break the order. ( I take only the small one into stores) In the big one, is snacks for niece, all my medications, first aid kit, sewing kit, nail clippers and file, brush, cell, glasses, small umbrella, lint roller, and the kitchen sink LOL
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009 edited
    Mine is not much different from those items listed by others with the addition of: purse hanger, swiss army knife, tape measure, dental brush-picks, large dinner napkins (to use as hankies for DH).
    OK Weejun-what's with the knife?
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    they are really handy! I have one too, but it is on my keychain.
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009 edited
    Well, the knife was last used at my neice's bridal shower on Saturday to open taped boxes. I have carried one for over 35 years. Cannot imagine leaving home without it. It's a family thing, too. Daddy always had his, brother gave me my first, my daughters-in-law now believe in them -- fixin' (that's a Texas verb) to give one to my college freshman granddaughter!

    Yes, Nikki, these are the small ones with scissor, tweezer, toothpick, file and blade.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    i have one too in my glove box:) you never know when you gotta fix something in the car!
    ok-it's not the ranger size. You gals had me concerned
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2009
    you mean there's a "ranger" size. Girlfriends, let's go shopping!!!!
    I carry an Eric Javits tote bag/handbag. In it, (just cleaned it out, so I know for sure) is my wallet and one checkbook, a zip lock bag that contains makeup, lipstick, lip pencil,eyeliner and a few little tubes of sample size eye cream/moisturizer. Another snack size zip lock bag has a pair of contact lens, rewetting drops , hand sanitizer and tissues. Third bag has pens, my small measuring tape, (designers are never without one!) tiny notepad, and a six inch architectural scale. In the bottom of the bag is a small brush
    In a business size letter envelope, I have the two lists of current prescribed meds with doctor's names and phone numbers, Both of ours Durable Health POAs and our Living Wills. Of course, my cell phone is in a little side pocket. I have my house key and a small red Swiss Army knife on an attached key ring in my pocketbook, in case I lose the one on my car key ring. I always have a Swiss Army knife, but OMG, Nikki, a 357 Ruger?? Isn't that really heavy???????? Whatta gal!

    That's why I carry a large tote sized handbag, but it's really not all that full or heavy. The mile long grocsery store receipts, (which get longer and longer plus the second strip of coupons. and all the other incidental receipts that I get from every store add to the mess I have to dump out every month. I'm so embarrassed to have to dig through all of that paper trash that accumulates in the bottom of that bag.

    Who did this on TV..was it Art Linkletter???
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    hey ya don't have to live in Texas to carry,Glock 9mm with Crimson Trace lazor,if I could shoot with left hand I'd carry two
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    Now, ol don, if you just get a small Swiss army knife you'll be all set!
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    Years ago I would tell my mother that she didn't need all the stuff that she carried in her puurse. Guess what? You're right. I am my mother.
    • CommentAuthormarygail*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    ok never leave home without cell phone,debit card,some cash in the wallet just in case, lip balm, nail clippers,small notebook,keys,hairbrush,breath mints,cough drops,kleenex,perfume,lots of receipts that seem to grow in there, most time bottle water, o ya a red swiss army knife, no guns though.
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    And what is it about the hidden $100? I do that too.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    What is it about all those damned receipts for groceries!!! WHY do they insist you take them!!!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    eventually i forget i have stashed a 100bill and boy its fun and smiles when you find it later:)
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    Sorta like finding cash in a coat or suit pocket that you've forgotten. That was always fun!
    That's why I ALWAYS check DH's pockets before doing laundry. He's always stashing money somewhere!
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2009
    I can't find the thread, Divvi, but I saw your remark about starting soap opera script - but gee, where are we going to get any ideas? Shanteuse would be good at this. Sorry, not sure about the spelling there,maybe there's an "r" there? Think so. Am punch-drunk with all that's going on here. Had an interesting remark from a lawyer today when I was taking about husband's first family. I said, "There's eight of them, with their partners and ex-wife, and they are bullies, everyone of them." Are you winning?" he asked. "Yes." "Then they're not bullying you." Put a different outlook on it for me. yeah, man. Even felt like I was from Texas there for a minute.
    I'm another one who carries a small swiss army knife on my keychain. You wouldn't believe how many things I've used it for. Also carry money in my car, although it's usually lots less than $100.00.

    As for what's in my purse, it's about the same as marygail except no cough drops or perfume. I do carry a list of DH's medication and information about prior surgeries and all those cards...(AAA, AARP, insurance, gift cards, senior restaurant cards, credit cards, grocery store cards, Club membership cards, video store cards, and on and on.....)
    I know this is an older post but I just can't resist .... I have wallet, car keys, chequebook, hand lotion, cigarettes and lighter, cellphone....anddddddddddddd my stove element knobs...long story but I'm sure you will know where I'm coming from...
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2015 edited
    Stove knobs - no explanation needed!

    In addition to the usual wallet, keys, credit cards, phone, etc., I have lip balm, tissues, inhaler, fabric swatches, a measuring tape, and for my husband, skin cleansing wipes and a nail clipper.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2015
    Ok, I have the standard stuff too, but doesn't anyone else carry a bunch of scrunched up kleenex? I swear they multiply in my purse!
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2015
    No purse here. In my pockets I always have iPhone, keys, wallet, checkbook (which includes my metro card).
    • CommentAuthorCarolVT
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2015
    Reading glasses because contact lenses don't do the whole job, lens case and wetting lotion, and regular glasses in case a contact lens gets lost. I've needed the last once in 50 yrs, but I'm afraid to leave home without them. On occasion I can add in sunglasses with a reading glass bottom and Rx sunglasses, again in case of losing a lens and the sun is shining. Think I have a thing about vision? Left at home are my trifocals (easier than graded for me to use), tv glasses (only strong Rx because if relaxing, looking out of bottom of trifocal doesn't work), and many more reading glasses scattered around!
    • CommentAuthorCarolVT
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2015
    And the one thing I've needed and don't carry? An eyeglasses repair kit!
    Stove knobs!! Ha, ha. Well, we all know the reason for that! (Shouldn't really be laughing, it's not really funny. But dementia caregivers will totally understand that one.)

    I carry a smallish cross body so my hands are free for other things. It's limited to small wallet, cellphone and charger, small brush, glasses case. Usually a pen, and a folded up paper towel to be used for whatever. Depending on schedule for the day, may have checkbook in there, or a grocery list, or mini-flashlight if out after dark. Put rosary beads in the small side compartment if traveling. Try to remember a lip balm. (I can't seem to hold onto lip balms or pens.)

    I like to keep it neat, clean, and light. I have my car keys, of course, but I tend to keep them in my pocket instead of in my purse. Depends what I'm wearing.
    Always carry car keys and cell phone in pocket then if I were to lose purse would always have my ride and be able to call for help.
    • CommentAuthorCarolVT
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2015
    Great idea, dorielMl!
    Same principle on an airplane--keep cell and important travel documents in your pocket--maybe wear a vest or blazer with inside pockets--then if you have to evacuate quickly (not stopping for your carry-ons of course), you have your important stuff. (Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread.)