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    • CommentAuthorbilleld
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009 edited
    We all give thanks for some of the BIGGIES of AD, like willingly giving up driving, not wandering, no incontentenance, no anger tantrums. But I have come to realize that some of the small things are also desearving of my thanks. Some are:
    1. She usually forgets to flust the toilet when she goes and then I can see what she has done--poop or just pea! Thanks
    2. She sometimes close the toilet lid when she goes which also shows me she ahs gone--like before bed which is criticle! Thanks
    3. She likes to clean the kitchen counters with knapkins, rags, or even kleenix. Kitchen looks good!
    4. She sleeps all night without any problem! Lots of thanks!!
    5. Her stool is usually dry and not messy.
    I am sure I will add some more to this list but thought you guys might have some little things to give thanks about. bill
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    That's interesting, Bill, my dh also likes to clean with kleenex. Whether the spill is ONE DROP or a whole glass, he gets the Kleenex box!
    - I'm thankful that one of his obsessions is taking all dirty dishes, glasses, etc, out to the dishwasher right away.
    - It's handy that he likes to close the security gate -- I check it when I go to bed, but he's usually done it.
    - It's great that he likes to keep the compost container on the counter emptied, and the rubbish bin in the kitchen too.
    - I'm glad he notices immediately if I have a spot on my clothes (another obsession).
    - Sometimes it's provoking but on the whole I'm glad that he likes to take all gardening equipment back to the shed (sometimes before I've finished with it, but OK)
    - I'm glad he is usually quite willing to take his medicine (and I'm thankful for the tip that I read here that if he won't take it, just try again 15 minutes later)
    - I'm am very very very glad that he usually does not wake up when I come to bed, and sleeps through the night.
    I'm happy that he takes his medicine with no objection;
    Glad that he sleeps well most of the time (especially now that he's not freezing and I can have the a/c on again!)
    Glad that he can and does clear the table after a meal, puts dishes in dishwasher, empties dishwasher;
    Always tells me how nice I look; or that he likes my outfit.
    Tells me he loves me several times a time.
    Kisses me good morning,good night and several times in-between.

    However, I am not happy that whenever there is a spill - he grabs his handkerchief...ughhhhhhhh. I'd rather the kleenex box. LOL
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    DH takes his pills with no problem, once in a while I have to remind him at 8.00pm to take his Aricept and Namenda.
    He sleeps just fine through the night although sometimes he gets up pretty early!
    Empties the dishwasher, takes out the trash and meets me down stairs when I call from the grocery store so he can carry the heavy bags up to the 3rd floor.
    Tells me when I look nice which is usually on Sunday when we are going to church!
    Tells me dinner was "great".
    And the biggy, I asked him tonight if he wanted me to take him for his haircuts. He said YES!!!!!! That one has bothered me for some time but he would not agree to it.
    All in all there are lots of things to me thankful for.
    John still knows me when I visit him. Sad that he doesn't want me to "lean" on him.....
    but, he still tells me he loves me. Wish I didn't love him and that he didnt know me....isnt that awful?
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009 edited
    My husband still tells me everyday that he loves me. He can still do all of his ADLs (activies of daily living) and is quite easy going for someone with FTD. He likes to make the bed and vacuum too (things he would have never done before the disease).
    I would give anything for just a flicker of recognition. It hurts so much to see nothing
    bluedaze.....I'm sorry. I'll be there soon, I fear.
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009

    I'm sorry for that. Even with the daily aggravation, I do know how lucky I am right now.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009
    grateful that DH can smile and laugh when something strikes his funny bone.

    that he now likes to have his dog ride on his lap in the car like before (dog is estatic!) -

    that i am still able to have him in the home he loves.

    that he still calls my name during the day wanting me to be with him . :)

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009
    bluedaze its not fair -i hurt with you.
    grateful that DH accepts not driving anymore - he still has pretty good sense of direction and will remind me which exit to take on highway, etc
    that he cheerfully goes to doctor appointments - although later that day he will not remember that he went
    he helps with meal preparation - after asking "what can I do?"
    he feeds the cat
    he makes the bed
    he waters the plants on our patio
    he thanks me every day for all that I do
    he tells me that he loves me.....
    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009
    I am glad that he is in a safe place. He is clean, dry, and well fed. He has adjusted to his placement and is probably as content as it is possible for him to be. I would rather have him at home, but since I can't, I am glad we found the place we did.
    Mine are not the "little" things, but the "BIG" things that I'm thankful mind doesn't cope well enough yet for those. I'm still concentrating on keeping one foot in front of the other most of the time! But, here is my list:

    I am thankful for my loving family.
    I am thankful for my job that I love.
    I am thankful that for the moment I can keep my husband at home.
    I am thankful for my good health.
    I am thankful that I have a home that is paid for.
    I am thankful for my friends who have stood by us.
    I am thankful for all of you, who keep me going, bolster me, help me and are my lifeline as we deal with AD.
    • CommentAuthorbilleld
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009
    You gave some very good Thank yous for the Little Things. (And even some Big things)
    I am so thankful when she acts silly. It is so better than some of the alternates.
    Also like to see her dance with anyone willing.
    I am thankful for the Babies we see when we eat out. Carol loves babies!!!
    I am so thankful this week that DH is not freezing at night anymore and I can have the a/c on. Don't know what happened, except he suggested we change sides of the bed where we sleep! We did - now he isn't cold anymore - go figure! But it worked and I'm grateful! Good sleeping now!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009
    Yesterday Jim put the palm of his had on my cheek and said he loved me. First time he's said it first in a long time. Ok I'm crying again, but it was so nice to hear. He often searches my face for signs of stress and expresses worry about me. I tell fiblets, that I'm tired, or whatever, to ease his mind. Last Sunday I dressed up, yep pulled out the good capris and a blouse, and put on make-up, gosh I never would have left the house without it in the old days, fixed my hair and he didn't even notice. So it's back to tees and jeans and my comfy tevas. :o)
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009
    I'm grateful that Clyde is still able to be cared for at home and that I am strong and healthy enough to care for him. I do dread the time when I'll have to start looking for alternatives.
    I'm grateful that he is pleasant and cooperative (most of the time). I'm grateful for his smiles and hugs.
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2009
    I'm grateful for this lovely warm sunny summer we're having. Whatever happened to the rainy chilly summers when I first came to this country, when we were lucky if we got a few weeks of real summer weather? If this is global warming I must say it's working rather well for me right now!
    I'm grateful for the friends I have here. Glad I can say what I want to now (people seem a bit more understanding lately). I'm grateful for the few friends from the past that still keep up with me and know when something is wrong when they don't hear from me. I'm grateful that my parents are still up and runnin'.....and love me so much. I'm thier only. I'm so glad I have kept up with my hounds, horses and training, that I have a silly house cat named "Rip" that has her own agenda. I'm grateful that I feel a spark of enthusiasm returning into my life.....maybe I can make a future out of this mess after all. I'm SO GLAD I HAVE YOU ALL!
    • CommentAuthorstunt girl*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2009 edited
    ...and I'm going back into my studio starting on Monday, like a 9 to 5 job. Finally. My next sculpt will be an Alzheimer's patient with a young, loving caregiver, perhaps a grand-daughter. Title: "For Mercy has a human heart, Pity a human face . . . " (William Blake) Of course,like all my work, it will be African-American. I have thought, of calling it 'Modern Piete' (SP?)