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    I feel pretty good because of not being in the abyss or shedding any tears anymore, but I still have some symptoms of depression….loss of appetite (at dinner), loss of interest in doing anything, even though I do get out and try, and feeling tired all the time. So I’m thinking is this the right med, or maybe I should increase the half pill to a full pill? I’m sure some (or maybe most) of you have been through this phase; what is your experience?
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009
    Joe, I do not take the pills (would if I felt the need) but my daughter takes Paxil. A whole paxil every day was too much for her. Skipping more than one day was too little. So she would skip taking one about two days a week. More than that and a couple of weeks later she'd be sagging down again. Do remember - this is the hardest part - is that the way you behave today is a function of the amount of meds you took two or three WEEKS ago. At least that's the case with Paxil. I don't know when the maximum efficacy for others is.
    • CommentAuthorbilleld
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009
    Hey Joe! I take a Lexpro every morning just to get me started with at least some energy and ambitions for the day. Otherwise I would have a hard time getting out of bed. Some mornings I take the pill 2 hrs or so before I actually get up. It does seem to help but I still do not have a lot of get up and go. My other meds are for heart degenerative joints, reflux, blood pressure and atrial fib, plus Macular degeneration. Hell to get old, even without AD. bill
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009
    I take Lexapro too. I also work out for 45 minutes every morning on a tread mill and cross trainer. I find the combination keeps me in a positive mood and I have more energy. I fought taking it for the longest but I finally decided I needed help. It took several weeks before I could tell a difference. I take one pill in the morning
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009

    tell your daughter to buy a pill cutter and cut them in half.
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009 edited
    Hey, TJ, I saw in your profile that you are 72. I'm only 55, but experience?, yes, I'm peeking, I hope, on the low side of a depression right now. It has been kicking
    me in the backside for a couple of weeks. One reason I got serious about finding
    a place like this. My wife hasn't been diagnosed with FTD, or anything else for that matter, and I don't know right now when that is going to happen. The more I read and research the more strongly I feel that FTD is exactly what's wrong. Just that feeling itself has me to this point. I've read enough these last few days to get that, "you know, I don't have that big of a problem" feeling, and that helps. I spoke with my nutritionist yesterday and that helped. He reminded how it's not unusual to, for instance, lose weight, feel depressed, not have an appetite or interest in anything, etc. when in you're in a constant stressful situation. He is working up a meal planner for me. That will give me something to focus on and hopefully to help me begin to eat better. DW has lost interest in food except to
    just 'eat something'.

    To top-a-tee, I own a surveying practice that is, like a lot of surveying practices,
    tanking to high high heaven right now. ARRRGGGGGGGGG!

    But, I made a decision about 3 years, no script meds for me. I have never had one for any mental problems anyway, but a script antihistamine led to a bronchial infection that I thought was going to kill me. (that's a whole other story)

    I've since become a firm believer in homeopathy and natural supplements and diet and exercise as a way to, not cure, but prevent illness. There are many ways this can be achieved, but for most of us it requires a sea change in our lifestyles.

    I just hope you hang in there as long as you can. I guess that's all any of us can do.
    No matter how we do it.

    Good luck and take care, fella.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009
    TJ--it takes time for the meds to get to their full influence on the depression. Best bet would be to check with your Dr. Maybe you need a little boost--not necessarily up to a full pill everyday, but maybe a whole one every couple days, and halves the rest of the time. It took a while to get you down to the abyss and it will take a while to get back all the way.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2009
    TJ - you are probably exhausted. Sleep is good for you. It could be the Rx is helping the depression which is making you aware of how exhausted you are. Do you take the pill at night or in the morning? Most people nights work best because it can make you tired. It did the opposite on me.

    Ask you doctor about upping it and he/she will probably say OK. Most people that have been down as much as you were will need at least 20mg a day or more. As time goes by, you can decrease it when things are better. I had to cut down to one 10mg every other day because of side effects I was getting and then eventually I felt worse on it than off so I quit. You are a long ways from that point - if prozac works for you.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    TJ, Lexapro is the most well tolerated of all the antidepressants. Two years ago, I swear it saved my life. I couldn't make myself do anything, like you, tired all the time. I called my doctor & told them, they offered an appointment right away, but I was so fearful I wouldn't have the energy to make the appointment I waited until the following week. I was put on Lexapro and within a week & 1/2 I was able to get up and do things. My energy came back. Prior to that, I didn't even have the energy to go to the mailbox to get the mail. I'm not giving medical advice, this is just personal experience, but sounds like the drug you are taking is not the drug for you. Your doctor should have a starter pack for Lexapro. It gave me my life back. I started out on 15 mg. but that seemed to make me slightly dizzy, so I cut myself back to 10 mg. I was so desperate that I took the 1st pill in his office without water. Sometimes you have to try a few different drugs before you find the right fit. I was fortunate that the Lexapro worked great for me.
    Kitty, the anti=depressant I take is Prozac 3x daily. I've noticed that I'm not quite up to par myself these days. I can describe my symptoms exactly as yours. I find it hard to make plans, especially those that are happening in the evenings or early hours because I might not have the energy ...... and now, I think it's a habit in the way I am thinking. Nope, can't even get to the mailbox some days. Won't answer the phone a lot of times. VERY hard to reach out to friends and just go do the things around here that have always given me so much pleasure. I'm going to talk with my meds doc about a change in Rx to see if it's appropriate. I keep thinking, "this is just situational"...and this feeling of depression will ease soon as the antagonist diminishes. Maybe NOT. Thanks for sharing your experience....makes me think.
    Thanks, all, for your comments. Sounds like Lexapro could be an answer. I really need to get the motivation and energy back. Too much to do around here to sit and watch it get worse.
    Kitty, your email is so welomed. I've been telling my friends that I feel dead..exhausted and have no motivation to do anything lately..and wondered why. I take 150 mg of Effexor every morning (as suggested) and I have taken it for almost four years. Do you think Effexor would be the answer for me? Just this week, I've googled "effects of Effexor on energy..motivation", etc., and haven't found an answer. I have plans to do things - but sometimes cannot even bring myself to making phone calls for appointments,e tc. I do need something...I feel useless... I described myself to Mary H. as feeling like a block of Tofu. White, tasteless, boring!
    Nancy B.....WHITE, TASTELESS AND BORING???? YOU????? CERTAINLY NOT! That's not how you come across....we should all be actors, right?! I think someone else here said the same thing a while ago. Amazing how I and most of us can "pull it together" when necessary, don't you think? Pretending everything is you think it's the same thing with our spouses?
    I just wonder if the Effexor is keeping me in a chair all day..and not letting me deal with things I should be doing, MUST be doing and just put aside - for another day. I do know I'm winding down more and more every day, and I need to find a way to re-energize myself. I'm going to the Cardiologist for a full day of tests on Tuesday of next week. Maybe he'll have an answer. (He won't address the Effexor thing...he insists I work with a pharma-psychiatrist - which would mean another group of appointments away from home. Just too much to work around.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    My pcp prescribed 50mg of sertaline (zoloft) daily. I guess I'm doing ok. I feel fine. Even though I have the same sadness of DH's AD, I can pretty much take it in my stride. SO FAR. Maybe I'm completely out of it, I don't know. I know I take water aerobics 3X week. and feel very well. There has been a whole lot going on around here and either I'm being a zombie or I'm able to cope. i seem to have enough energy to get done what I want to get done.

    TJ, I think perhaps some antidepresent might be helpful. I was having a major meltdown last October when he prescribed them. I swore I'd never take anything like that, but here I am.

    Good luck to all of you. This just ain't no fun, is it?
    Mawzy, I'm taking 25mg of sertaline daily now. I think I need it uped or change meds. I'll call dr. Monday.
    Fun? What is that?
    I've been told that anti depressants won't take away your feelings (sadness), - but they help you deal with them more rationally. I know that without the drugs, I cried all the time. With them, I cry on occasion, but not over every little thing.
    Is it really reliable to depend on a 'drug' to solve our problems?

    Just saying.
    In my case, it is. I have a heart condition and stress is a big no no. I have to keep things as even -steven as I can. No children, no neighbors, ..."if it's to be, it's up to me". I realize you are more into homeopathic medicine, but I will tell you that drugs have allowed my husband to stay home..(Seroquel).. Before Seroquel, he'd go into rages, bite me, threaten me, and his verbal abuse was horrible. Since he is on a relatively low dose of Seroquel, we're crusing along in relatively calm waters.

    I guess this is another case of "picking your battles". I am NOT going to try a natural approach to fight this disease. I don't have time to do that.. I'm going with what is proven to work in most cases.

    FYI, I was prepared to go onto a heart transplant list, when the doctor chose to try a drug approach to avoid that. I've taken 16 drugs a day, for 7 years.. My heart has returned to a stronger place, ejection fraction has greatly improved, and I am holding strong. Again, due to the drug cocktail I take AM/PM. No worries.. I just do it. and I believe in finding the best doctor I can find and then trusting them to know their business. This is what works for US. In no way am I telling you what to do.
    Personally, mood changing drugs are not the way I go. But that is me and I would never second guess another person's needs. Chemical imbalance needs treatment because that is a major cause of depression. I liken it to insulin for diabetes.
    It's just a "play on words", but I think of Effexor, Zoloft, Lexapro, etc. as Mood Balancing Drugs.
    Nancy B,

    Please forgive me if you were led to believe by that post that I was trying to critisize anyone. I am trying to "learn" things here, honestly.

    It is hard, and time consuming, to take in all the relevant information that is available here.

    I could never put myself in another's shoes. I have always been interested in where the other person has been and what they had to say about it. Learning is what life is all about in my own humble opinion.

    Again, my apologies.
    Take care.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    Sometimes drugs are necessary. I had never been depressed in my entire life. But when you can't move or do anything, then treatment is necessary. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed. It was a new experience for me. I can explain the reasons for my depression, but that's not the point. The point is, I could not function. I didn't feel like showering, didn't feel like doing anything. I knew something was very wrong. I am glad I sought help, because I could have otherwise continued to spiral downwards. I didn't like asking for help. In retrospect, I waited too long. Talk therapy was not the answer at that point. I have a master's degree in counseling. I am usually an upbeat person. I believe I needed the drug intervention.

    Bout, I don't know if it's "reliable" but I do know that it helped me sustain myself. Just saying....

    bluedaze, I didn't quite understand your post. You said mood changing drugs (as in antidepressants) are not the way to go, but then you said, chemical imbalance needs treatment. Could you clarify?

    "Bout, I don't know if it's "reliable" but I do know that it helped me sustain myself. Just saying...."

    I understand, sister. I only hope that in the future we maybe begin to rely on these heavy pharmaceuticals less because we collectively understand more about
    how mother earth has naturally provided for our needs for everything. We used to all know these 'secrets'.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    Bout, I have a licence plate that reads 1 Gaia. Meaning One Earth. I spent 3 weeks in the Rainforests of Brazil & know that most of our drugs are a result of what is provided in the Rainforests. That is why we can't let them die, they hold our secrets.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009 edited
    I am on an anti-depressant due to the stress and fear of my husband having FTD so much it made it impossible for me to eat. I lost 20 lbs in 1 month and my kids where forever trying to get me to eat. At that horrible time I couldn't swallow any type of solid food. When I went to my doctor he said that it was time for me to take care of myself also and insisted on my going on celexa. After a few weeks I was finally able to cope and actually eat. I was so bad that when I went in for my follow up visit my doctor finally said that maybe we could actually do a physical now that I wasn't so stressed out. He said to me that he knew at the time he saw me before the antidepressant I was so bad that he didn't want to further stress me by saying I should be checked out. Now the antidepressants don't actually change my mood, but allow me to function day by day without the constant feeling of panic.

    I don't believe that anti-depressants are mood altering. They don't make me feel happy or sad. They allow me to function daily and deal with the daily stresses. They don't make the stress disappear but allow me to get out of bed and face each day as they come.

    Also, I can say that I am still grateful that my husband can make his breakfast each morning so I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn like he does. Being able to stay in bed a bit longer allows me some time to get myself ready to face the day--although there are some days I wish I could pull the covers over my head and not come out. He has accepted that he cannot leave the house (due to keyed deadbolts) unless I allow it.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    Ditto deb. I am now on Celexa, which came before Lexapro, now in a generic form. It doesn't cost as much as the Lexapro, does the same thing, as Lexapro has no generic yet. (Same drug family.) And am told it has fewer side effects than Lexapro. (Libido) But I was on Lexapro for about 2 years prior to switching. I had terrible chronic diarrhea when the depression started & am still fighting that battle. Our bodies let us know when we are not happy.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009

    I hope you are getting your generic celexa from Walmart where it is only $10 for 3 months. I hope your body has allowed you to calm down some. I know about the diarrhea. When I am particularly stressed, I seem to spend the day in the bathroom. I have always been that way---have had bouts of colitis due to it. Once was told its because I have a Type A personality. I like to be in control. LOL Like I have any of that now.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    No, I've been spending $10 per month with Anthem at CVS. I'll have to check into the Walmart deal. Thanks for the tip! All the diarrhea was totally new to me. It hit me when the depression hit. I think some of the loss of energy came from low electrolytes. I started drinking the sports drinks, but then I went from a size 6 to a size 12. (At present at a size 7/9 juniors & happy with that.) Now some days I don't have it, some I do. Before it was all day every day. I think with time, I hope with time, my body will remember what normal was. Yes, I think that being out of control of my own life put me in this state. With each passing day, I try to remember who I was before dementia entered & my world was turned upside down.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2009
    Just as we are all different, so are the anti-depressants different. Plus one may be working fine but after a while your body gets use to and you need to change. And, there is a place for the medical ones and the natural ones. For those who have access to a naturopath or homeopathic, then go that way. Just do whichever you are comfortable with and works for you.

    I was on a low dose of prozac for a few years in the 90s until it stopped working. Fortunately I was ready to come off it. Now I am researching to use a natural now before it gets too bad and hopefully will be able to avoid the medical ones.

    Correcting the chemical imbalance so we are able to handle the stress and pain is what is important. How we do that is up to us, not anyone else.
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009 edited

    Interesting that you wrote this;
    "...For those who have access to a naturopath or homeopathic, then go that way. Just do whichever you are comfortable with and works for you."

    I agree with what you're saying. And 'access to' can be a pain to acquire. When I began to look for an MD who practiced in a homeopathic manner I found none locally. I live in a county in the southern U.S.that has a population of 100,000 and 3 hospitals and there is no type doctor to be found. The lady at my health food market recommended one who is about 70 miles away. I liked him and he has associates that specialize in other areas, such as accupuncture. He told me that in the whole state he only knew of 15-20 doctors like him. Luckily he does phone consults by appointment after your initial visit. But I was surprised how hard this kind of care is to find.
    Bout-I live on the treasure coast of fl. and we have quite a few homeopathic chiropractors and some of the DOs still practice their original teachings
    If I have offended any one about my comments about "mood changing drugs" I am sorry. What I meant to say is: I choose "natural" remedies for myself because I have not been clinically diagnosed with true depression. My diagnosed friends have described what deep depression feels like and I am glad I am not there. My point should have been-not every MINOR inconvenience needs a pill. Please let's end this here.
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009 edited
    Does anyone have any experience with St. John's Wort for depression?
    I do and it helped me-but I have not been diagnosed with clinical depression
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009
    Bluedaze, you didn't say anything offensive. My cousin tried Sam-E after her mother died, and that worked great for her. She couldn't seem to deal with the grief process.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009
    I doubt that there's a single one of us who's been in these wars for more than a year or so whose attitude toward drugs OF ALL KINDS hasn't changed. Before this my husband took alka-seltzer and tylenol. That's it. Now he's taking namenda and trazadone and neurontin. Because of them he's been brought back up to comfortable functioning in several areas. My daughter was suicidal, Because of paxil, she is able to function beautifully. I tried zoloft and it didn't do anything for me, but with them both in such comfortable state, I don't feel that I need anything RIGHT NOW.

    I agree about the rainforest plants, Kitty, I went to the biopharmacia research station in the Amazon in Peru and saw them. If these natural plants are incorporated into dosages for us to take (as they are) does that make them "artificial"? I doubt it.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009
    I have not used St John's Wort and studies have shown it does nothing for depression. But tell that to people whom it has helped. They say Sam-E is good but have not tried it. Someone here uses Serenity Formula. I have a couple samples the company sent me and someday I will try them. If my depression ever gets to the deep dark hole I was in 15 years ago, I may have to go to pharmaceuticals. I am of the belief that there is a place for all types of medicine and I like doctors who believe that too. If I had the money I would go to one of those clinics that have mix of doctors: acupuncture, chiropractor, naturopath, MD, etc. - where they work together for the good of the patient. There are a few in the Portland/Vancouver area but I can't afford them.
    • CommentAuthormarygail*
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2009
    I have been very depressed to the point of I don`t care any more, St John`s Wort has helped me, when I don`t take it I feel awful, that happened to me this morning, I was like a crazy lady this morning, throwing things around, crying, screaming, scared the crap out of the dog, then, my daughter called just in time I would say, I calmed down enough to realize I needed to take St John`s, took 2 of them and calmed down within a half hour, went to visit dh, not a good visit, seems to be going backwards again, then off to the camp ground with son and dil. Just took another one so I could sleep. Gail
    • CommentAuthorSusanB
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009
    Hi TexasJoe,
    Sertaline is the generic of Zoloft. Anti depressants work differently for different people and can take up to 6 weeks to take full effect. Your MD was wise to start you on a low dose, sometimes enough for us in the 50 plus group (tee hee), but some of us need a higher dose. It is essential that you confer with your MD about changing dose and/or med. Slow and steady is always the rule here. Please make sure that your MD has expertise in the medical treatment of depression.
    With respects and caring,
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009
    Nancy B, I've noticed lately that you are doing alot of appologizing. STOP, it's OK, we are all here for the same reasons, to vent, share our OPINIONS, knowledge, questions, feelings, thoughts, worries, LIVES. OK, I hope this makes you feel better. Now, I take effexor for depression and clonopin for anxiety. For me it IS as necessary as insulin for a diabetic. I also see a therapist twice a week to talk. The two should go together, but for some it is not possible. Let's look at this logically what good would I be to my Mom, 9 yr old Dylan, 6 yr old Diego, and Jim if I were curled up in a ball of depression and anxiety, under the covers all day?
    For some of us IT IS A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE, a life long struggle. My depression and anxiety began during my first marriage, it was bad, I had two troubled, adopted kids, and it has continued. I don't know what I'd be like without a life of stress. Maybe someday I can find out, maybe not, I've still got two little ones to raise. Come to think of it, I may need to up my dose, lol.

    Now everyone, take your meds and smile :o)

    Arms around,
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009 edited
    This is such a hard topic for me. As many of you know, my Dad took his life March 14, 2008. Part of me died that day. I am sure medication could have saved his life. He was in the military for 25 years, after his death we found out he had PTSD as well as major depression. Again, after his death, I found out he did tell his doctor he was depressed, but he was not given any medications. I am still struggling with this. We had no idea, he hid everything so well. Dad needed medications as surely as my diabetic niece needs her insulin.

    Having never effected me, I didn't understand true depression. I felt we all get down sometimes, suck it up and move on. I don't want to go into details, but I will say, after Dad’s death I went into a very dark place. Between his loss and losing Lynn, I just did not want to be here anymore. I had no desire to fight. I would never do as Dad did, I could never hurt those I love that way.... but I understood not only the want, but the need - for it all to end.

    That is when I learned about chemical imbalance and serotonin. My serotonin was dangerously low. I had a "mini" break down. I had already suffered TIA's due to the stress of caring for Lynn. My doctors feared for my health and put me on Lexapro and Lorazapam. It wasn't a miracle for me in that I was instantly "all better". But then again, I was more than just “depressed“. What it did do was slowly build me up to where I found the will to want to fight again.

    I haven't had one TIA since placing Lynn in Feb. It has been over a year since Dad's death, I am doing better than I was... but that is something one never "gets over". I am currently off Lexapro and Lorazapam. I too would rather find a way to survive without the need for these medications. But, I will say, I do believe those drugs did indeed save my life. I believe they could have saved my Dad's as well. . I WILL take them again if I feel myself starting to sink.

    I am trying. Sometimes we can make it on our "own" but sometimes we need the help these drugs offer. True depression is a serious illness and needs treatment. Personally, I feel it takes a great deal more courage to admit you are having problems and seek help.

    ((TJ)) I am glad you are going to be talking with your doctor. Keep trying until you find what works for you. ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009
    Hugs, Nikki. I'm so glad you're better able to function. Takes awhile, doesn't it!
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009 edited
    I haven't used any meds myself (have never been depressed), but, listening to your stories, Nikki and others, I sure am glad that they are available to those who need them and that they will be availabe to me, if I need them. I am very glad to have this information. Thanks everyone for posting.
    I appreciate you all posting about the meds also. So far, I have never needed any, but will be willing to do so if the need arises. My doctor keeps asking me how I am - and so far, so good!
    Susan L.
    I guess I'm apologizing because I don't want any of you to be upset with me or ban me for something I said. I'm up against a wall in my personal life and I've not felt well for a while. Recall I fractured my elbow and lower part of the upper arm where it goes into the elbow back in early June and it's not getting hurts all the time. (Appt. with orthopedist at 10 am Wednesday). When pain occurs all the time..even when I scratch my nose, it seems to affect the nervous system. I have a (scary) appt. with the Cardiologist day after tomorrow..8 am...for a full day of tests, EKG, Echocardiogram, Nuclear Stress Test, Blood work. My son who lived in the vacinity recently moved to Tulsa due to a company transfer, promotion..and I'm at least 250 miles from any family person. I seem to have this overwhelming feeling that disaster is going to strike anyday. Unfounded?..proubably! So, I diagnose my ownself as filled with anxiety, from a myriad of causes and upcoming appointments and when I get this way, I feel insecure. We know, all of us, that this too shall pass. Bear with me...I promise to pull up my big girl panties and snap out of this silliness.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2009 edited
    Nancy B, I'm not surprised that you feel like you do. Ninetynine percent of the people would. I hope the orthopedist can help you and that your appointment with the cardiologist goes well. Hang on to the rope and keep positive thoughts.
    BTW, anything you have written has not offended me and I am sure everyone else on this board feels the same way.
    God Bless.
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2009 edited
    Nancy B, I did not think any of your posts have been offensive in any way, to anyone. We have to be free here to express all opinions. It's wonderful that the drugs have helped you. Now you need help in healing that arm, how terrible to be in pain all the time. Hang in there, keep us posted.
    Nancy B....don't be bothered by anything you've said here. I don't think anyone else has JeanetteB said, we ALL need to be free to express ourselves. The one's that get upset with you are the one's that need to "pull up THIER big girl panties"! I know about physical pain and how it can affect your outlook on everything. Hang in there, get your elbow fixed. Hope everything works out at the docs for you. Let us know. Your friend, Jen.
    I had mentioned "going to church" being a help to me, and was told not to bring up religion on this site. That's hard for me to remember, since my faith is as natural to my life as breathing. Somehow, it is offensive to others..