Starling CommentTime3 minutes ago edit delete I went to my well woman visit last week and they found a lump. I've got an appointment for all the tests in mid-August. I've called neighbors and they will deal with my husband that day, and someone will come with me as well. I've got awesome neighbors!
Basically I'm doing fine, but if that lump means anything, all bets are off.
Starling, we'll have a prayer chain for you, as well as our rope with knots in it for you to hang on to! You are very special to me as well as the others of our family here!
Wow! I can't imagine waiting till then! You are so lucky to have good friends and neighbors. They will be there to hold your hand and we will be here in cyberspace to do the same. Feel the love. {{{HUGS}}}
I'm there with you in thought and prayer. I hate that you have to wait at all, but am so happy that you have such wonderful caring, concerned neighbors.
I haven't found any lumps, but I too am in that waiting game having been told (just a day short of 2 months after Paul passed) that there is "an area of concern, probably benign, but we'd like you to return for a repeat mammogram in 6 months").
In my case they don't seem "too" worried about it, but gosh!!! We don't need something else like that lurking in the back of our minds over time. Praying for peace to get you through to your appt., and that the outcome is good.
I'm clinging to my sisters words that her daughter was told the same thing once, and the next mammo was clear.
Starling we are with you now and every day. I've got a special blue rope to hang onto so I'm sending you a special Pink one just for you and we are all holding onto it. Know that we love you. You are a very special part of our family. Why does fate continue to kick us when we're down. When I get to Heaven (I hope, lol) God and I need to have a good long conversation. I've got some real issues to discuss :o) Arms around sweetie, Susan
Starling, my prayers are with you hoping it is not bad news , we all love you and here are (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) as tight as I can get them. Gail
Joan, thanks for letting us know. Starling - my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope everything turns out negative, but if not, it doesn't have to be a de#^% sentence. I'm a breast cancer survivor! :)
Starling, I know what you are going through - just went through it myself - but fortunately, didn't have to wait long at all to get the ALL CLEAR! This is just one more thing we don't need. Love and prayers.
I've been there three times and do know what you are experiencing...can't help but wonder why the long wait? Mine were all hopefully you too just have a "green thumb" for growing things. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.
I've always had "bean bag boobs", ..and the doctors are never concerned. FOR ME, it's always a concern, - what if ONE lump is dangerous after all. I've had these since the 70's. Still go once a year...hoping it's always going to be OK. It always has been.
Me the same......hadn't heard the term "bean bag boobs" but that fits me to a Tee! I drink lots of coffee, and from the time I was very young the doc would say the lumpiness was due to fibrous tissue exacerbated by caffeine. Who knows? I stopped worrying so much about what I could FEEL, and more about what they (Mammos) could SEE!
Thank you for all the prayers and good wishes. I'm truly grateful and frankly, amazed, at all of the kindness.
They offered me an immediate appointment (this week) for the left breast, but the right breast was due as well in mid-August, so they got me in as soon as they could and do both of them. If it was 3 months till the regularly scheduled mammogram, I'd have just done the left one, but I don't want to NOT do the right one too, so I'm waiting a couple extra weeks.
Actually, guys, I'm doing fine. I knew if I went public on the issue, I'd be OK. I've been called back multiple times. It is possible that they will find NOTHING because they have found NOTHING before. And because I'm now in Pennsylvania, and I've got good doctors and a good insurance company, I won't have to fight my way to the right doctor to take care of me.
I've been through this before. I had surgery on the right breast in 1996. I had a complete hysterectomy in 1999. And I came out of both of them just fine. I'm not sweating it until I know otherwise this time around.
Also, the lump has to be small. There was noting there in August 2008.
Here is an article that should make everyone feel better about what happens when you find a breast lump. (Most are BENIGN.) Here's a quote from the article, and a link to the full article follows. of women diagnosed with breast cancer may be receiving unnecessary treatment for the condition.
How cancer becomes overdiagnosed An overdiagnosis of cancer occurs when the abnormalities that are found are of the kind that would never cause any symptoms or other problems during the person’s lifetime. In some cases, the cancer is so slow-growing that the person dies of something else first. Indeed, autopsy studies of women aged 40 to 54 who died from non breast-cancer-related causes found that 37 percent had invasive or non-invasive breast cancer at the time of their deaths — and half of those cancers would have been visible on mammograms.
Other research has suggested that up to 30 percent of cancers detected by mammograms may naturally disappear (spontaneously regress, in medical lingo) without treatment.
((Starling)) Your attitude is awesome. You remind me so much of my mom. (thats a GOOD thing lol) Here she was in congestive heart failure, the doctor not sure she would survive the night and she was telling us to stay calm. Don't get all upset, if its bad there is nothing you can do, and all you will accomplish is to waste this beautiful night we have together. I learn a lot from her, and you! ((hugs)) Nikki
Starling, I hope this turns out for you as it did for my mother. She spent many days obsessing over the possibility of losing her breast when a lump was discovered. They made a small incision (inpatient), it was benign, & she had me bring (sneak in) wine for her to celebrate.
Starling, prayers and positive thought your way for 'all clear' results on your tests. I two applaud your amazing attitude and hope that you know how loved and valued you are here!!!!! Peace and hugs...Sue