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    I found this interesting article...Coffee anyone? with a dash of coconut milk??
    TAMPA - The buzz you feel after that cup of coffee could do more than help you stay awake. Researchers with the Johnnie B. Byrd Sr. Alzheimer's Center & Research Institute say it could also protect you from Alzheimer's disease.
    The study published this month in the online Journal of Alzheimer's Disease involved mice that had been genetically altered to develop memory problems similar to Alzheimer's.Building on research they started several years ago, the Byrd researchers gave the mice water spiked with caffeine, the equivalent of 40 ounces of coffee a day. At the same time, they gave caffeinated water to normal mice and plain water to another group of mice with dementia.
    The demented mice initially failed tests in a water maze, but after two months of drinking caffeine, they found their way to a shallow platform, performing as well as older mice without dementia. The Alzheimer's mice drinking plain water still couldn't find the platform.
    Also, the brains of the caffeine-drinking mice had substantially lower levels of a hard, sticky substance called amyloid plaque, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.
    Based on their mice studies, Byrd researcher Gary Arendash and his colleagues soon hope to begin controlled research using caffeine with humans suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
    I wonder how the decafeinated mice are doing?????????
    • CommentAuthorcs
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Still treading water.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    I read about this, too. My, my, my. Once coffee was bad for you, now okay. Once chocolate was bad, now chocolate--especially dark--is good for us. I've read so much good now bad now good now bad, etc., I've just decided, "Life's too short; it's all good." I like green tea w/lemongrass.
    My grandma use to say that everything was good, as long as it was in moderation....she said excess of anything was bad
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Sounds like my ancesters.
    I think I'll have another cup of coffee, I could use it this morning anyway.
    phranque, your grandmother was very wise.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Ok, everyone to my house for a Coffee Hour, I just baked a Cinnamon Coffee Cake, from scratch! (seems there was just a posting on scratch baking, hmmmm)
    Whether it will work or not, I say, hay it's worth doing. Can caffine cause a problem if someone had a TIA? High Blood Pressure? I am too lazy to lok it up but at this stage in my dh life, I guess it is worth doing no matter what. I did notice at the nh that they offer coffee/tea to everyone and there is no decaf offered. I think I may just visit today with a gigantic cup of coffee. I'll let you all know if a miracle happens!! (Anyway, my dh loves black coffee so it's a win-win!!
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Susan - That coffee cake sounds wonderful! I bet your house smells fab! Our daughter in NYC sent this same article to us too & I had "heard" about it as well. My DH had sorta given up coffee because he would "nap" and it spilled on him so many times that I just decided it wasn't worth it to keep on trying, however, I re-instated the coffee over the last few days...I think perhaps he IS a little more 'interactive' after just 2 days of maybe 1/2 a cup, with honey, of course. Yesterday there was not much "desire" for it...but today it was "oh good" when presented. That's major "conversation" for us :) We'll see if it continues...
    Susan! Fresh baked cinnamon coffee cake and thou? How can anyone refuse that? By the way, you owe me a dance for my taking my med last night. I feel a little anxious this morning, but slept well last night (must have been all that dancing).
    I've had to resort to giving dh his coffee through a straw. Of course, it can't be too hot and I always tell him it's coffee and it goes well.
    Great, TJ. I was just sitting here wondering how your night went. Hope dw is ok.
    She is good so far, Imohr. Ate dinner and b'fast o.k. with meds given.
    I think maybe I should stop with the decaf coffee and coke. Drink the leaded stuff.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009 edited
    My dad always said that he drank coffee for the caffiene, drank whiskey for the alcohol, smoked cigarettes for the nicotiene. Yep, so we'll keep the coffee routine in place around here. My favorite thing to do when we have to go somewhere up the interstate, that may take a while, is to first stop into the drive-thru coffee shop and get Coconut Lattes...BIG take along. John loves his, as do I. To-JOE! Keep taking your medication......good for you.
    Whatever you say, babe.
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    My only question is that if it takes 40 oz of coffee for the mice, how much would it take for humans? If I gave DH that much coffee I'm afraid he'd be bouncing off the walls! I wonder if they are doing a study to see just how muchor rather, how little caffeine it would take to make a difference.
    Susan, the cinnamon coffee cake sounds wonderful. Count me in!!!
    Susan, some years ago the astronomer, Carl Sagan, said that in order to make something from scratch you first had to invent the universe.

    Since my wife has always been a big coffee drinker I guess it doesn't do much to prevent AD. She can drink 4-5 cups of high test coffee with supper and then sleep through the night.
    Marsh, so can I. And decaf will give me an upset stomach. Go figure.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Okay, now, TJ. Another pill, please.
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    I think it said the mice got the equivalent of 40 oz. -- so all we humans would need would be the 40 oz. What's that, 3-5 cups depending on mug size??
    Now, briegull? I take 'em at dinner, so I have food in my stomach, and it's a good time to remember to take it. I promise I will...thanks for the reminder.
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009
    Well, wanted y'all to know that after 2 days of the coffee, my DH was somewhat better, but the coffee (a diuretic) caused other issues that I just cannot deal with ~ Pee Pee and more Pee in the night and slept thru it all, so LOTS to clean up. And, the coffee was making him more 'irritable' it seemed later in the, I stopped it after the 2-day trial. Wonder if the mice were affected with more restroom breaks??
    • CommentAuthorShanteuse
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009
    Some coffee is decaffinated with chemicals, hence the upset stomach. You can get "naturally decaffinated" (water process) coffee -- but with what this study says, why bother?
    • CommentAuthorSusanB
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2009
    Ah phranque. You have brought up the topic of what I consider one of two perfect food being one, pretzels being the other. I think my husband and I have consumed enough coffee over our lives to qualify as two mice in the study. Maybe we cancel each other out in the study. Anyway, I will enjoy my non-fat latte which I have while cherishing the smell of Susan L's cinnamon coffee cake from several days ago.
    TJ, my doctor told me to take my Effexor with Breakfast. If you weren't told either time, why not call the doctor's nurse and ask when they suggest. I'm told that it will wear down during the day and then you can sleep better t night, but that might only be for Effexor.
    Nancy, I heard that Effexor and another drug both cause some people nervousness or fidgetiness like caffeine, but the one I'm taking doesn't, so it's o.k. to take before bedtime (generic for Zoloft).
    I used to take Zoloft. For years, and when I felt I needed a stronger dosage, my PCP suggested we just change to another one. Whatever worked was ok with me. Good luck with yours.... Keep me posted on your situation at home. I think having people come in will be a great relief for you..and y0ou'll have someone to talk with!!..even for just a little bit..and you can dart to the store and pick up groceries when they are there. Such a relief. Let them do their job!!! even if you can do it better. (words from experience!!)
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    I take 150 mg of Effexor and am very sensitive to caffene. The Effexor has never bothered me, but more than a couple cups of coffee and I get really anxious. I take my Effexor with breakfast.
    I drink one cup of Folgers coffee crystals coffee every morningand I'm told by everyone it is so NOT COFFEE!!!

    DH doesn't drink coffee anymore, so it's not worth making an entire pot. Guess that's why taking my Effexor in the morning around the same time as I drink my "non-coffee", doesn't bother me. :-)
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    Let's all meet down by the lake for coffee, on a beautiful day like this, you can see Mount Washington in the foreground. I'll bring the Irish Cream. I could you a nice coffee hour with my favorite family, mind you it's 5:15 pm and I'm still not dressed. Not looking good for today. So how about coffee hour at Highland Lake in Bridgton, ME in the morning?
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    Could we have Irish coffee?? Good for anxiety. (-:
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    i'm good for that, ! i need to get out of this heat! divvi
    Frappacino Mocha please....... :)
    Pick me up on the way, will you divvi?
    I'll meet up with you Divvi at Joe's house. I have a new bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream!
    We need to all get together and have a great escape from the Texas heat. This is too much for a poor California native boy.
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009
    Well, then, meeting at divvi's won't work. How about Marsh's place in Maine? That should be cooler. Or UP Michigan?
    I spent last weekend in Austin. It was sooooooooo hot and the TV Weatherman's chart showed 100's and up all across the week-long forecast. whew! We definitely need to meet at Marsh's place. AGAIN!
    I've seen the website for where Marsh and his wife live. It's gorgeous! I vote for Marsh's!!! Divvi can fly us up there! :)
    • CommentAuthorterry*
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    Where does Marsh live? Maine too? I've been fantasizing about having a summer home (sure right) in Maine. I live in paradise. Have I mentioned Eureka Springs, AR, few miles from MO border, the entire town is in the historic register. Lots of windy roads, hills, Victorian houses, and quirky people. One blogger referred to it as Mayberry on Acid! Town is full of tourists right now - how can they stand this heat - I can barely go get the mail out of the box. You all can come down here in the fall for the stunning leaves. Hey! If enough of you come maybe we can finish up the odds and ends on the renovation! I love Maine. I'm ready. Anywhere cool.

    Anybody in Portland, OR? DH and I will be visiting friends there in September. Would love to connect.
    • CommentAuthorterry*
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    Double latte grande with skim and a bloody mary chaser for me!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    OK, I've been awake for hours, the lake is perfectly still, it's 61 degrees, everything is still, the Loons are swimming. I've decorated the picnic area for our coffee hour. The view is gorgeous. Pastries have been delivered. It's great to see you all arriving! I can see our cruise ship off in the distance, magically made it to the lake to drop everyone off for a "shore excursion" after coffee we can explore the little shops in Bridgton.
    I'm here!! Susan, the picnic area looks fantastic! Yum...good pastries....I'll have that coffee now!
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    One of our favorite things to do was always to stop for coffee, whereever we were. With the onset of AD, DH lost his taste for coffee. he had never drunk it before he went in the service, so I guess that makes him under 18 now (LOL) anyway, I still have my 3.5 cups a day, so I'm glad to know I'm doing good for myself. I'll meet you by the lake with my own thermos. I like to lighten it with french vanilla, and i'm always told it's ruining the taste of the coffee, but that's how I like it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009 edited
    ok TJ, Nancy, mary and anyone else in the south who is flying with me, to meet up with susan for coffee.! TJ buckle your seatbelt, we are using DH kingair jet and i havent been radar IFR instrument approved yet, so we are flying under the radar and hope for no rain clouds! be sure to take your anxiety meds today, you may need it -its going to be a bumpy ride flying with Divvi..:)
    gassing this sucker up and doing my final walk around the plane inspection guys, susan, be there shortly, this plane is supersonic ! keep the hot stuff hot and cold stuff colder! having a red bull prior to starting engines just to wake up!
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009
    Count me in. The Florida heat is getting to me this year.
    Count me in, divvi, fly low over Lake Cumberland and I'll hop aboard!
    Count me in-Florida heat is doing me in.