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    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2009
    I am trying to reach the 24/7 AD Helpline. It keeps going in circles and no one is answering. When I call the above number, it goes into the regular number and the recording tells me to call the above number - but no one comes on. Is there another number to call or a help number with another organization. Thanks
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2009

    I just called that number and got right through to someone. He said it is possible that you were routed to your local chapter, and many are off for the holiday. He said everyone is working at the National Helpline you called. Sometimes when I have trouble with numbers, I use my cell phone instead of the home phone. Try that.

    If it is a medical emergency, call 911.

    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2009
    dagma, Anything we can do for you if you can't get through?
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2009
    Thanks Kitty and Joang - We were having one of "those" times when I just needed someone to sob to. He got up on the roof - I have talked about this before. on this site We have to leave the house next week for three days to have the house treated for termites. I think it is getting the best of both of us in different ways. I am busy making all the arrangements and getting all the pets taken care of, etc. I think he is reacting to the change in our routine. I thought I was doing so well as I had so much taken care of.

    I was able to get through today to my local crises line. Sometimes I just get filled up.

    On tv the other night was the show about the son that put his AD mother in a little house down the road and didn't visit her. We all thought was thoughtless and uncaring. Today I would like to know where that little house is as I would put him there in a minute.

    My solution for the roof - next time I will call the police and my plan is to remove the ladders to a neighbor's yard and he won't know where they are. He will get angry, but he won't be on the roof.

    We have had such a long period of calm and I so appreciated it. This AD is so ugly. I know he is suffering. It is so hard. Thanks for listening and caring.

    Also, joang - you amaze me with all of your resourcefulness. I never thought using another phone would help. I have been having problems with my phones as well as I just changed over from Verizon land to the computer version. Maybe that is the issue. I kept going in a loop. I will try them again.
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2009
    PS - he got on the roof as we have had a lot of rain and there is a leak. He is adamant that no one be called to fix it as that is what he thinks he should do. The roof issue has been discussed as much as the driving issue. ALL of his doctors have told him that he is not to go on the roof. I think today, he just wanted to let us know what he thought of all of us and our "ideas". It was more of a defiant act than a needed one. You know - you just can't reason with these AD patients - that is such a hard lesson for ME to learn.