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    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2008
    Starling, I can relate to the clothes thing. My husband has been wearing t shirts around the house that have long since had their useful life. Paint, stains on them, whatever. I told him last week I was going to buy him some new t shirts, and he said "I DON'T NEED ANY NEW SHIRTS!" I'm not talking about undershirts, but ones with Nike or whatever on them. I just can't stand looking at them much longer. Of course, since he couldn't remember where the sweat suits came from that I gave him for Christmas, I guess I could just get new ones & pitch the old ones. But then, if he does remember, it could start WWIII. You just never know.
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2009
    Just found this and there is so much that is familiar: soap, toilet paper, garbage.

    Dh decided that coffee filters should not go into the compost (we have ALWAYS thrown the filters into the compost bin together with the used coffee grounds).
    So now we have a new routine: I leave the used coffee filter in the sink, he empties the grounds into the compost container, then rinses the filter out carefully (using lots of water) and throws it in the trash can. Since he empties the trash can and the indoor compost container (and I'm grateful because it's a job I hate) I do it the way he likes.