Today my 15 year old grandson stayed with dh 3 hours while I went to the eye doctor. He lives next door and has been in and out frequently over the years but today was his first experience with caregiving. He called him Mom once to say Papaw was in his underwear and wouldn't put on his pants. Told him not to worry about it nobody was coming. He said he was going to tell him to put on his clothes and he would take him to see the garden in the golf cart. DH got his pants on then went to his recliner to put on his shoes and promptly went to sleep. I paid him $10. an hour and hope I can get him to stay again. Prior to today he never really SEEN dh condition.
Ohhhhhhh, Imohr. What I'd GIVE for my own daughter to come and stay with her daddy while i could go visist my own mom and dad. It made me cry to think of that young man coming over to help you with his granddad. Wish I had someone like that who cares. What a precious thing to have. Hope he'll be more help to you in the future.
lois, if he can make it to texas, i'll pay him much more.......hehee... divvi pool boy! his own personal workout room, gameroom /pool table, saunas, think he'd come??? just kidding...