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    Today dh keeps "seeing things" that are not there. He has always had a lot of floaters in his eyes and I think they are getting worse.
    He sees bugs crawing on the floor and once told me they were on him. Gnats in the house bitting him. Newspaper ads on the floor and
    he thinks somebody spilled water.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009
    Makes a lot of sense about the floaters. My sister has that problem - she is getting cataract surgery in a couple weeks and looking so forward to it. Hoping that will take care of the majority of the problem. She does have a couple 'dead' spots from cholesterol.
    She doesn't do it lately, but she says there are bees all over her clothes hanging on the closet door. They are floaters.
    • CommentAuthorSharan*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009
    seeing things can be a symptom of LBD; though my DH's hallucinations have mostly been auditory and have been controlled by Seroquel.
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2009
    I don't believe my DH's was from floaters. He went through a phase when he saw bugs/spiders all over the walls. At about the same time he saw rain outside nearly all the time. He also said we were inside a huge soap bubble and he could see the swirling colors of the "bubble". After a few weeks that went away. That was kind of a difficult time because he also saw hostile people outside and dead bodies on the lawn. I'm sure it was part of the LBD. Just glad that phase is over with.
    gmaewok the swirling colors of a bubble caught my eye-may be an optic migrane. I get them-no pain. My opthalmologist says not to worry about them
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    "Seeing Things" or hallucinations are also a part of FTD. Not sure what can be done for that, we haven't gotten there yet. Let us know what the drs says.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009

    Yes, hallucinations are part of the disease - usually Lewy Bodies dementia, but I would definitely call the doctor about it.

    I checked with his eye specialist this morning and he wants me to bring him in so he can be sure it isn't a retnia problem. First apointment 5 weeks. I am going to start calling every other day to check for cancellations per her mentioning it. He has had some other little issues lately so I think it is the disease.
    • CommentAuthormarygail*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    my dh used to see children all the time, would ask who the kids are sitting on the couch, I didn`t see any also saw a lake outside our house, hey we lived in Az. no water. he always sees things in his hands that are not there just part of the disease i am told.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    my DH now early stage 7 has been 'seeing/hearing things' for ages. he laughs then nods his head like hes agreeing with an internal conversation or someone talking to him. started talking to the statues again:)always reaching out to touch something that isnt there. 'the guys and the kids' are well known around here too and welcome anytime. :) i actually enjoy this quirky nature and does no harm so i let him enjoy himself. if it was a violent type hallulcination it needs to be addressed. divvi
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    divvi - reminds me of my 3 year old granddaughter who has a great imagination. She will be in her fantasy world talking up a storm. She did this when we took her on the day trip last week. Had to keep telling grandpa she wasn't talking to us but to her friends. :-)
    I just remembered the Neuro changed his anti d. about a week ago from celexa to effexor. I have always had extra things happening after
    any change in meds, but I didn't think the effexor would do it. I googled effexor and no mention of hallucinations but I am going to keep a eye on him and if he continues getting worse go back to celexa. Neuro thinks the effexor will also help his back pain and we can use that.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2009
    I suffered from migraines for years, then they went away. What came in their place was 'starburst' and the swirling colors. A neurologist called it migraine phenomenon - usually come before a headache but I never got the headaches. He could be getting headaches from the change - withdrawing from one to the other. But, I agree if it keeps up the doctor definitely needs to know.